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waking up for y/n felt the same as every other day, days merged into one at this point. wake up, get dressed, go to work, eat food, go home, sleep. living back with her mom was not where she expected herself to be at age 24.

after leaving kansas she and her mom had moved to a smaller town, y/n's mom working a small job in a local bakery and her finishing high school before going off to college, leaving for college was hard, but she did it, the hardest part was coming home, life was harder than she had expected it be, she graduated a couple years ago but been in and out of jobs since but nothing felt right.

waking up she picked up her phone just the same as every single day, but a text from a unknown number wasn't what y/n expected.

hi, your mom gave me your number. its colby. im sorry for how things ended up, i never wanted to lose you. a lots happened over the years but now me and sam are in vegas! just like we used to dream about, we're living with sams girlfriend kat, she's amazing. being here made me think of you, the way you always used to talk about moving to vegas one day. i was hoping that maybe you could come see us, stay with us for a while. we have a spare room you can stay in or you can stay with me, have sleepovers just like we used to. there's no pressure but i'd like to have you in my life again, im so sorry things ended the way they did, i've missed you like crazy. you dont have to reply to this, i understand if you dont but i hope i can see you sunshine

her mind was running too many thoughts, this was too overwhelming. she missed him sure, she missed him more than anything but this all felt so surreal. before y/n could even register what she was doing she began calling the number.

still sat in her pyjamas, the morning sunlight giving a slight glow her bedroom. the ring of the call line overtaking the faint buzz of room.

"hello" colbys voice came through after the abrupt stop of the ringing. he answered in the same tone she imagined he would answer any call, it was understandable he didn't recognise the number yet, he must've sent that text in the middle of the night and the rasp of his voice hinted that he had not long woken up.

"colby" she said in a rasped whisper, it was intended to be full volume, but the feeling of hearing his voice again made her feel so small and vulnerable.

"hey" he said, an instant switch in his tone, sounding quiet and caring to match your tone.
"i've missed you"

"colby" y/n repeated, this time a little louder but still in the same soft ton "what happened"she wasnt mad in her tone, just confused and sad.

"i'm sorry, life changed so much" he sounded just as sad as y/n "i never wanted to lose you, i'll never forgive myself for letting that happen"

she paused, taking a breath. "hows sam" she said, wanting to move on despite being the one to bring it up.

"he's good actually, we've been doing really well i mean like we just moved to vegas, we were in la for a while-"

"la?" she questioned.

"oh um yeah things changed a lottt" he said "me and sam would love to explain it all to you, we've done so much stuff i wish you could've experienced it with us"

"it sounds like you've had fun" she added "does sam know you texted me"

"i actually didn't tell him yet, i wanted to see if you even wanted to talk to me first"

lemon boy ; colby brock x reader Where stories live. Discover now