47th Hunger Games

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     I’m in the start tube; waiting and I feel myself rising up. I’m on the start platform and I have to wait 60 seconds, 59, 58, 57..... I take a look around and dread fills me at once. Were in the cornucopia and I see supplies but beyond that is a cliff. No way to escape. I see that the weapons are to the left of me and all the other items are to the right. I slowly turn and see that behind me there are two lakes and three forests. The first forest looks normal to me but from watching the hunger games all my life I know that that can’t be true. I look over at the second forest and see that it’s a rain forest and think that I should probably stay clear of that one. And the last forest that I see is covered in snow and ice and it looks freezing in there! I can’t tell from here what the lakes are though but if there like the forests they must be something different. I’m starting to wonder if those lakes go through the forests or not and if they don’t I might have to go to the "winter" forest for water. I know the gong will sound soon and I have to decide if I’m going to run for the safety of one of the forests or if I’m going to try to go fight for weapons and supplies.  But all of the sudden I hear ONE, TWO, THREE and I see three of the tributes jump off of their pedestals and get blown into a million pieces.  I’m shocked at what just happened and I’m frozen and holding my breath wondering what’s going to happen next.  I see the other tributes are frozen just like me.  “Lady’s and Gentlemen let the 47th Hunger Games begin” I mumble to myself.

 Just then the gong sounds and everyone’s off. I decide my only chance of survival is to try to get a weapon or something out of the cornucopia. I run to the weapons deciding that a weapon will be more helpful to start the games with and I can always find food in the arena. I see a pack of knifes right in front of me and know what I’m going to go after. I get to it and grab it. But there’s someone behind me, I can fell it, this is not good. I turn around and look up and there he is the huge tribute from district 6 I saw during training. All of the sudden his eyes go wide and he stops moving and falls to the ground. I hear a laugh.  Behind him is the girl from six, also huge like him, and she says "I never liked him, he was always a bully in school". "Allies" I ask and she agrees and where off running trying to pick up whatever we can get on the way to the forest. I end up grabbing knifes, a bow and arrow, and a back pack.  Ashley gets a pack of knifes and also a backpack.  We don’t stop running till we are a safe distance from the cornucopia. The girl from six turns to me then and says "hey, I’m Ashley and you?" "Brittany" I exclaim out of breath. We both think it would be best to find somewhere to hide until the bloodbath ends and everyone has spread out. We decide to climb a tree that looks safe to us from the bottom and climb it. Once where up in the tree we decide to take a look through are bags and see that we each have an extra sweat shirt, a bottle of water, a first aid kit, some food, and a blanket. It’s starting to get dark so we decide to just stay in the tree till tomorrow and then we will find some food and water. The capital seal comes on just as where settling down and we wait to see who was all killed during the bloodbath. Only 5 kids end up dying.  Which I think might be a low record in hunger games history.   The faces that I saw flash in the sky where: The girl tribute from 1, both tributes from 3, boy tribute from 6, boy tribute from 9, and the girl tribute from 11. I suggest that I take the first watch so that she could sleep but she insists that she takes the first watch so I grab my blanket and settle in the tree.   I don’t totally trust Ashley yet so I put one of the arrows on my bow and hide it under my blanket just in case she tries to pull something on me. The bow turns out to be useful because I get startled awake to the sound of a branch cracking and look to see Ashley has her knife positioned right over my heart and I don’t hesitate and shot the arrow right through Ashley’s heart before she has a chance to send her knife to my heart first.

I hear a thunk as Ashley hits the ground and soon after I hear the cannon being shot. I’m scared for a moment thinking that if anyone was near they would surely know where I am now, but no one comes. Soon it becomes dead silent like someone has turned off the night and the hovercraft appeared above me and Ashley gets lifted into the night.  6 down 18 more to go I think to myself. I’m so glad that Ashley had left all of her stuff in the tree when she attempted to kill me. Now I have 4 extra knifes, more water and food, and another sweat shirt and blanket! This is very helpful. I decide that I can at least get a little more sleep before I go hunt for food and maybe check out the lake.

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