1 - New Beginnings

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I won't be doing all episodes. The first chapter will not be related to the episodes in any way, as this chapter is when y/n meets the Pines twins.

I sat bundled in a blanket in the back seat of a small car, boxes stacked next to me, as I squished my face against the window.

" Mr. Greg? How far till' Gravity Falls? " I asked quietly to the driver of the vehicle. Mr. Greg is an agent from the child services and was given the order to drop me off in Gravity Falls over the summer.

Great, right? Yeah, not when your father almost killed your mother with a broken bottle. The only thing is that she can't take care of me and she can't trust my father, so I'm living with some guy named Stanford Pines.

" Oh, yeah yeah. Just down the road. Keep an eye out for the sign! " Mr. Greg chirped happily.

I eyed him wearily. How could he be so calm and happy about all this? I cried for hours on end while on the way to Gravity Falls from my old state, h/s ( home state )

I watched as we pulled to a stop at a bus stop like area. " Why are you- " I began.

" Sorry kid, I was told not to go further than here. Follow this address, " he handed me a small slip of paper, and my boxes. " Bye kid! "

With that the car did a u-turn and pulled out of the town. I quickly unfolded the paper, and written in large letters were,

Mystery Shack

I winced and looked around helplessly. I opened up my empty duffel bag, and put everything inside of it from the boxes, before kicking the box into the bushes. I pulled my hood over my head, stuffed the paper into my pocket, and began to walk towards the semi-large town.

As soon as I entered town, I tripped over a large crack in the side walk. My arms flailed as I fell to the ground. I landed on my hands and pain shot through my knees and palms.

I let out a weak ' ow ' as people around me glanced over, but continued with their day. I winced, holding my knees to my chest as I rolled up my leggings, making way for small scrapes with dots of blood to appear on my knees. I sighed.

A tap was felt on my shoulder, and I whipped my head around, my arms shooting towards my face to block a punch, that never came.

" Woah, woah settle down there! Heh! " I heard a high pitched feminine voice sound behind my arms. I slowly shifted them down, and met the eyes of a girl.

She looked to be my age and had long wavy brown hair. She was wearing a skirt and a pink sweater. Wait- sweater? In this heat?

" Uh, Sorry about that. " I mumbled.

" Hah! That's fine! I'm Mabel by the way! Are you okay? I saw you fall so me and Waddles rushed over as fast as we could! " The Girl, now known as Mabel, said.

" Waddles? " I asked curiously. As if on cue, a fat pig came bounding out behind her, and oinked.

Mabel did jazz hands to the pig. " WADDLES! " she exclaimed. I giggled. She suddenly gasped, realizing why she had come over here in the first place, and pulled out a bandaid from her pocket. " Here yah go! " She smiled.

I smiled. " Thank you so much Mabel! " I sounded.

" Of course! Er... " Mabel trailed off.

" Oh right! Y/n L/n at your service! " I beamed. Mabel laughed. She helped me up after I put on the bandage, and grinned. " Uh, Mabel? You don't by chance know where the Mystery Shack is, do you? "

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