Heart of Stone

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Sweet Celestia, this is awkward. Limestone chewed the inside of her cheek as she walked through the sleepy streets of Canterlot. Silence permeated the air around her as the lack of conversation was palpable. Only the sounds of hoofsteps filled the void. Awkward, stilted hoofsteps.

Limestone huffed to herself. It was one thing to spend time with a total stranger so you could make your sister feel better while she was on her date. It was a whole other thing to be left alone with that total stranger.

Speaking of, Lemon Hearts was walking right next to her, all but personifying the awkwardness Limestone felt right now. From her jittery hooves, eyes that couldn't focus, and slightly frazzled mane, it was clear she'd been expecting this situation about as much as Limestone.

Though to be fair, it must be worse for her. Limestone was here for Marble's sake, but who knew what Minuette had said to get Lemon to waste her evening on this 'date'.

If the previous few hours were any indication, Lemon sure didn't want to be here. She'd been nothing but an awkward mess since minute one just trying to keep up the act of this being an actual date. Everything from the stuttering, to the weird noises she kept making when they were skating together, right down to the rushed way she spoke tonight made it clear doing this was not something she wanted to deal with. In all honesty, Limestone kind of felt bad for her.

Though, with their audience gone, why should either of them continue with this? Limestone knew Marble would be miserable on the train home after she explained the situation to Minuette. She figured a better use of her time would be thinking of ways to cheer her sister up rather than wandering aimlessly through Canterlot.

She cleared her throat, drawing Lemon's attention. "So... we can just end this here if you don't mind."

"W-What?" Lemon's pupils shrank.

"We're not doing anything," Limestone put it bluntly. "So I-"

"We can do something!" Lemon squeaked.

Limestone stopped walking. She hadn't been expecting that.

Lemon needed a few steps of reaction time before she realized Limestone wasn't moving. She jutted to a stop and slid in front of Limestone. "Whatever you want. I- We- Uh..." She pointed the tips of her hooves together, looking down to study the cracks in the sidewalk. "Y-You can decide, I mean."

Limestone's eyes squinted. Just what is she trying to do? They didn't have to pretend anymore. This 'date' could finally end and yet she wanted to keep going? Why?

Though it was their natural state, Limestone's eyes found themselves even more narrowed than usual. She scrutinized Lemon's face, trying to find a crack in her armor of innocent smiles and cold sweat.

Is she just doing this because she's bored or something? That theory was as good as any, mostly because it made her mad. Limestone did not like being used for entertainment.

I can't waste my time on this anyway! I have to think of a way to make Marble feel better. Limestone wanted to growl.

She turned her head away, tsking in annoyance. "As if I know what to do in this city."

From the corner of her eye, she caught Lemon deflate a little, only to perk right back up. "Oh, right! I'm sorry. I should be showing you a good time, not the other way around." Lemon tapped her chin, delving into thought. "Hmmm..."

Limestone turned her head back, grunting in further annoyance. Well, she's persistent, I'll give her that much. I should have just turned down her offer right away. Now it'll just look weird if I try to back out.

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