chapter 1

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Misaki pov:
I was a normal monday, my boyfriend usagi was upstairs writing one of his novel, hopefully it wasn't another boys love novel about me and him.He had been working really hard for the past 2 weeks. we didn't spend that much time to together and I was slowly starting to miss his touch but I wasnt going to tell him that.I really only saw him when we ate together and even then he was half dead and didn't talk much.On top of that we didn't have sex and he wouldnt walk behind me when I was cooking and say I'm out misaki.I mean I'm not complaining about it I can finally cook in peace but it weird.I want to ask if something is wrong but I don't wanna cause trouble for usagi when he is working so hard.

Usagi pov:
For the past 2 week I have been working more then I like to as if I liked to work in the first place. I was half dead and need sleep but soon it will all be over and I can touch,suck, and kiss my misaki. The only reason I'm working so hard and not missing my deadline is because I was told I could get 2 week vacation from work. I wanted more but had to take what I could get.I have 2 more pages left and was having a hard time thinking of an ending. But soon I will be done with this hell of a jod for 2weeks.I started to head down stairs to get myself some more coffee.I saw my lover watching the news when he saw me he ask how work was going.I said good made more coffee

Misaki pov:
I was watching the news when I saw usagi heading to the kitchen with an empty mug.I got up and asked how work was going I really wanted him to say that he was done. My thought made me blush a little.

Usagi pov:
For some reason my little lover was blushing seeing this made me want to fuck him into our bed but I had to wait.I turn around ask misaki if he is free Wednesday he say yes but I has class from 12:00 to 2:00. Okay then Good it a date.

Misaki pov:
I was so happy when usagi asked me if I was free Wednesday.I wonder what he has planned. We can finally spend some time together as lovers.

Time skip to Wednesday

Misaki pov:
Usagi dropped me off at school and told me to come to the car right after classes where done.

Usagi pov :
I was done with work for 2 weeks and could finally make up for the time I miss with my misaki. As I drove misaki to school could help but think of what I was going to do to him later tonight. As he left the car I made sure to tell him to come straight to the car when school were done.

Time skip to 2:00 after classes

Misaki pov:
I was so happy for me and usagi date when classes were over I was the first one out the classroom and ran to the car. Once I was in the car I ask were to usagi told me we were going to this family restaurant I talked about a few weeks earlier.

Usagi pov :
Not even a minute past 2:00 and misaki was running to the car with a smile on his cute face. As he got in the car he asked me were we would be going I told him a the family restaurant he was talking about 3 weeks ago.

Time skip to restaurant

Misaki pov :
We spent 1 hour at the restaurant the food was good and usagi and me talked a lot about random stuff but it was nice talking to usagi. We left and got in the car usagi call my name so I turned to look at him but he grabbed my chin and kiss me. I blushed but don't protest I missed this and did want it to stop.

Takahiro pov:
Me and my wife had just dropped off mahiro off with some friends so we could spend some adult time together. We were out driving when my wife pointed out usagi and misaki walking out of a restaurant together talking. We turned the car so we could say hi then get back to what we planned to today but as I was driving past my best friends car I think I saw him kiss my bother!

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