(5) Tears [short chapter]

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"I need a place to stay,"
Lu gave you a confused look, "What do you mean?" You looked down, the back of your eyes stung with tears that threatened to say 'hello'. "Why would you.."

Before he could finish his sentence you started to cry. The tears you saved for years decided to be free from their cell. Lu didn't know what to do, he wasn't built for dealing with emotions.

"Boss I've come back with the, what did you do?"

"I ain't did nothin', now shut up and help me!"

Dice knew his boss, he knew that Lu had no idea what was going on. Dice sat next to you on the couch. "Hey sweetheart, a pretty little thing like you shouldn't be crying," he wiped the  tears from your eyes, "why don't you tell me what's bothering you. Maybe we could figure out a way to fix it."

"There is no way to fix my actions. The Lord has found out that I had deals with Lucifer in my past life, and I have been placed back here. I have no home or family to go to."

Dice looked back at his boss, he had no words to say or any knowledge of your past together. He stood up and made his way to the door, "Um boss, mind if I had a word with you?" Lu followed, shutting the door when he was completely in the hall. "Mind tillin' me what the hells going on?"

"I don't need to explain anythin' to ya. It's in the past and it ain't none of your business!"

Dice rubbed his temples, his boss's stubbornness was giving him a headache. You ask for my help and when I try to help you do this. "Look, with all do respect sir, I need to know what happened, I can't help to calm her down if I don't fully understand why she is crying."

Lu crossed his arms and began to tap his foot, he was thinking wether it would be a good idea to tell him the about the past. It took a minute, but he decided that he probably should.

"Fine Dice, ill tell you but you need to keep this low. Don't tell no one."

"You have my word sir."

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