29. Disgrace

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I'd sequestered myself inside my office upon returning to my kingdom. Once I was safe and healed, the reality of what had happened in Houston had hit me like a freight train. I betrayed Abel. No, not just him, but all of vampirekind. Daphne Sinclair and the rebels were one of the biggest threats to our existence and I'd just set her free.

All because of Avery. And I was still no closer to finding her.

I didn't regret it for a single moment. But others would feel differently. I had no doubt that Abel and his allies were planning to retaliate against me. But what would they do? To which depraved depths would they stoop?

At least no one had bothered me since my return. That wouldn't last though. I'd have to explain the incident to my council, and there was no way I could think of to make myself look good. My only option would be to try to bury the story for as long as possible?

It was morning, which meant I had until nightfall to come up with a plan. That gave me some comfort.

Melanie's voice chimed in over the PA. "Your Majesty, the council is assembled in the cabinet room. They're waiting for you."

I did a double take at the clock. Did I lose track of time so completely that the sun had already set? Strangely enough, the clock said 7 AM.

"Why are they having a meeting at this hour?" I asked.

"I can't say why, but I'm afraid the Duke of New York insists sir," Melanie replied.

Damn it, Balthazar. What was so important that it couldn't wait until nightfall? Every room in the building was built with shutters to block out sunlight, but I and every other vampire still kept to nighttime hours. A meeting this late, or early by human standards, was more than a little unusual.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I fished it out to see a text from the Duke himself.

Now, Nathaniel. Trust me, you'll want to be here.

I groaned. This better be something good. The only place I wanted to be at the moment was as far away from my responsibilities as possible.

Sighting, I rose and looked myself over to make sure I still looked presentable. I'd changed into a new suit when I arrived back, but I couldn't shake the events of Houston off as easily as changing clothes.

My hackles rose as soon as I stepped inside of the cabinet room. Something wasn't right, although I should've guessed that from the time of this meeting. The drawn shutters gave the room a rather claustrophobic air. The harsh lighting did not help matters either, as it made the five duke's grim faces appear even more austere. I nodded in greeting, trying my best to appear calm and collected in the face of their sudden scrutiny.

Balthazar stood at the far end of the table with his arms crossed, a departure from his usual place at my right. A laptop sat open in front of him. "Have a seat, Nathaniel," he stated coolly.

I was used to him forgoing honorifics when addressing me in private, but to not address me by the proper title in front of the other dukes was a startling breach of protocol. But given everything I'd just endured, I lacked the energy to reprimand him.

The lights dimmed as soon as I'd sat down. A projector screen lowered on the wall behind Balthazar. My curiosity was piqued, but I remained cautious. Balthazar hit a key on his computer and an image popped up on the screen, one that made my blood turn to ice.

"I was sent this footage by King Abel earlier this morning," Balthazar announced.

I cursed under my breath. I should have anticipated this. What better way for Abel to get his revenge by attempting to turn my right-hand man against me? Abel knew I couldn't justify what happened, especially not to Balthazar. And especially since I'd gone behind my councilmen's backs to strike Abel's deal.

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