Chapter 1

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Authors Note: 

I hope you guys will like my first imagine, if you have any suggestions or questions please comment 😁



"Y/n breakfast is ready!" My mom calls from the kitchen. 

"Coming!" I reply.

Hi I'm y/n , I'm 16, I have naturally wavy black/ brown hair, hazel eyes, and freckles, throughout my life I always had a passion for cheer and dance. Anyways enough about me and more with the story. 

So I guess today is my first day of school in New Jersey, I thought to myself. At my old school I would normally not care what people thought of me but now I actually wanted to try and look good. So I decided on a simple Gucci shirt, Hollister skinny jeans, and my Nike Air Force ones. I ended up straightening my hair and putting on natural makeup. 

I made my ways downstairs after grabbing my phone and my backpack, which had everything I needed. I ran down the stair to go eat breakfast, French toast and hashbrowns. I ended up not finishing it all so I said goodbye to my mom and outside to our driveway, where my white jeep was. I hopped in and headed on my way to the new school.

Once I got to the school parking lot, everyone was starring. There were the jocks, the nerds, the band geeks, the plastics and then there was two guys who caught my attention, I couldn't decide which one seemed cuter. I walked over to what seemed like a nice group of girls and asked if they could tell me where the front office is so I could get my schedule. 

After finding the front office I decided to get to my first class early so I wouldn't be late.  My first class was art, i noticed that one kid from his twin was in my class. 

'Goodmorning class, we have a new student joining us today her name is Y/n Y/l/n. Y/n, take a seat next to Ethan.' My art teacher said, as she pointed to the kid I saw earlier. I took a seat next to Ethan and listened to the teacher as she talked about the upcoming art project. I noticed that Ethan was staring at me, which give me butterflies in my stomach. He noticed me notice that he was staring and he quickly looked away. While the teacher was talking he passed me a note, 

'What classes do you have?' 

I looked at him and he was smiling at me. I quickly wrote down my schedule and passed it over. 

~ Art,  History, Math, Dance, Lunch, English and Science'

He passed the note back after writing on it.

'We have art history, English together~

After i read the note the bell rang, i quickly got upend packed my stuff to head to history, someone quickly tapped on my shoulder, it was Ethan.

'Hey... y/n do you wanna walk together to history?' He said blushing. 

'Sure' I said smiling.

We walked together and we sat down together. After history he said he would sit with me at lunch, I walked to math and i sat down in the back trying to get through the first day. I looked around the room and noticed a guy that looked like Ethan, i decided to talk to him. I tapped the kid that look like ethan.

'Hey ethan' I said blushing, he looked a little bit differently than before.

'...oh im not Ethan...' He said blushing. 



I felt a tap on my shoulder so i turned around, thats when I turned around i saw the most beautiful girl.

'Hey ethan' she said blushing. 

Did she really ask if i was ethan... well I guess that's what i get when I don't put myself out there. Ethan was always the better twin. I smiled at her and told her that I wasn't Ethan, once i said that she looked a little bit down. So i ended up texting my brother about her. 

Grayson ; hey do you know y/n?

Ethan ; Yeah I'm planning on asking her out :)

Grayson ; oh ok... we'll see you at lunch. 

With that i wasn't in the best mood after that. I decided to not get in the way of my brother, even though he is known as a player. Maybe she will change him. 


Y/n's POV


During lunch i saw Grayson and i asked him where his brother was, i noticed him blushing. I decided to ignore he feeing in my stomach  and decide to look for ethan.

I found Ethan and we had lunch together I found out that he is on the football team with his brother Grayson. 


After school i drove home. I noticed that a car was following me so i decided to see who it is. It was ethan and his twin. I guess they noticed me staring because they started to walk over. I quickly looked away and decided to walk inside before they could approach me. Once i made it inside i ran upstairs, but that's when i heard the doorbell ring.

I ran downstairs to see who was there and to my luck it was...


sorry for any Grammar mistakes... (May 15, 2018)

Cliffhanger. Hoped you enjoyed the first chapter. 


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