The Bad Girl With A Past

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"Look Austin, you were fun and everything but truthfully, I dont think this is getting anywhere" I said without a drop of feeling in my voice. To be honest, Austin meant nothing to me, just like all of the other guys. Austin's was just a good time.

"Please don't break up with me Val." he begged. His eyes bore into mine, pleading for any bit of sympathy in my cold heart.

And I couldn't care less. This boy couldn't possibly love me, he was too perfect to fall in love with a piece of scum like myself.

"Austin, don't make this any harder for me. We're over, I never felt anything towards you. You were just a nice fuck, get over it. You weren't even that good" I said, knowing I hit a nerve there as I saw his eyes harden, yet I could still see some emotion in his eyes. It looked like longing.. and something else I couldn't really describe.

"Please don't do this to me Val" he choked out, his eyes slowly watering.

Austin was supposed to be a player, Players weren't supposed to cry. What was his problem anyways? I wasn't that special. Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy but I just don't feel anything for guys. And no, haha, its not what you're thinking, I'm not a closet lesbian. I just find it impossible to love because I don't think anyone would be interested in someone as hdieous as me.

"I-I I think I fell for you. Valerie, I think I love you. No, that's not it, I love you. You're my world, I would do anything for you. I love you."

That did it. Why couldn't he just accept that we were over?

"Listen to me, Ashton was it?" No it was Austin "Well whatever your name is, you never meant anything to me. You can go brag to your friends about how you hooked up with me because that's basically all it was, a hook up. I'm way out of your league anyways" Not really, he was out of my league "So leave me the fuck alone" I told him, my voice sharp and cold as ice.

I knew he believed it by the look in his eyes. Pain, hurt, affliction, all combined. He looked into my eyes one more time and then lowered his head.

I knew he got the point, and so I turned around and strutted away. On my walk I noticed some guy checking me out. Without hesitation I walked up to him, wrapped my arms behind his neck and kissed him. While keeping my eyes open I took my time to turn to Aaron, he was starring back at me. His jaw clenched and his eyes filled with something new: hate. I winked back at him and turned back to the new guy I was currently kissing.


Okay guys, I don't seem to be getting any feedback so I'm considering deleting the story and starting something new. If you like it vote or comment, I don't know if anyone is seeing this or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2014 ⏰

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