Could it be? (A Lirry/Nouis story)

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A/N: So um..this is my first slash story, xD. I just feel like there's not enough Lirry or Nouis in the world, Haha. I hope you guys like it.

Would it be too much to ask for atleast two comments to let me know if you guys like this story?


I sighed as I leaned my elbow on my desk, chin resting in my palm with a small smile on my face. Two of my best friends, Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik, were in front of the class doing their class project of the country, Canada. I got paired with my other best friend Harry Styles, we got Ireland, Yeah buddy! I was sitting in the back of the class with Harry, looking at Louis as he made a fool of himself. I love that kid.

Oh, in case you were wondering, My name is Niall Horan, I am 17 years old, in my second last year in high school, living in a small town on Doncaster.


''Niall and Louis! Get your butts down here right now!'' I heard my mother yell from downstairs. I looked up from my cars to see Louis mirrored the same look on my face. ''Coming mummy!'' I called back.

''Are we in trouble?!'' I asked as we ran down the stairs to see my mother and Louis' standing at the bottom of the stairs. ''Louis made me do it!'' I ratted him out.

''Niall!'' I heard Louis protest beside me, whining a little, before turning to his mother. ''I swear we didn't do anything mummy!'' He whined out.

''Don't worry.'' Jay, Louis' mother soothed his hair down. ''You boys aren't in trouble.'' She shook her head lightly, before grabbing Louis' hand and my mom doing the same to me.

''We have a new neighbour, they have a little boy around your age, we thought you boys would like to meet him.'' My mother explained when she led us from the house and across the street.

When I was just three years old, My parents and my older brother and me moved from Ireland, because mum got a job in Doncaster. Louis was my next door neighbour, and we were friends from the first day we met. Now we're five year old.

''Another boy to play with?!'' I yelled in excitement, jumping up and down.

''Yes, Niall.'' Mum chuckled, before knowing on the door.

A pale women with brown hair opened the door, a smaller boy with black hair and tanned skin stood behind her, holding on to her leg.

''Hello.'' Mum smiled at the lady. ''My name is Maura, and this is Jay, we live across the street.

''Hi.'' She smiled politely back, shaking their hands. ''I'm Patrica.''

''And who is this young man?'' Jay asked letting go of Louis' hand and kneeling down in front of the shy boy.

''This is my son Zayn.'' She smiled, bringing him out from behind her. ''I have two other girls upstairs unpacking.''

'This is my son, Louis, and that's Maura's son Niall.'' Jay introduced us. Us three boys shyly waved at each other.

''Would you like to come over for tea Patricia?'' Mum asked, looking up at her with a kind smile placed on her face. ''Bring Zayn if you want, let the boys play.''

''Yeah!'' I giggled in excitement. ''Wanna come over and play with my cars?''

Zayn just looked at me, a shy smile on his face and nodding.


Zayn, Louis and I have been friends since we met him that day. We were a trio until we met Harry when we were in year 6.


''Zayn.'' I called out to him, walking into the classroom, Louis following behind me.

''Sub boys?'' He grinned at us, as we sat down at our desks. ''I think we're getting a new student.'' He pointed to the other desk that sat next to his.

In our classroom the teacher has it set up so it was four in a cluster of desk, but we got three cause of the odd number in the class. Not that we were complaining, we liked being together, rather than being split up. We've been close friends since we all met when we were five.

''I hope it's a boy.'' Louis commented. ''I rather not have a girl sit with us.'' He said putting his feet on his desk, and I couldn't help but agree.

''Mr. Tomlinson, please take your feet off the desk.'' Our teacher glared at him, but he just sent her a grin back, before taking his feet off the desk.

Behind her was a curly haired boy with green eyes. He didn't exactly look shy, but he looked uncomfortable with everyone's eyes on him.

''Class this is our new student, Harold Styles.'' She pointed to him. ''Why don't you tell us a little about yourself?''

''Well, erm.'' He fiddled with the hem of his uniform. ''Please call me Harry, I moved here from Holmes Chapel with my mum, older sister and step dad, because he got a job here. Erm, basically that's it.''

He talked rather slow, I couldn't help but notice.

''Well, thank you for that. There's a seat for you, over there by Mr. Malik.'' She pointed to Zayn who put his hand up.

''Hi.'' Harry said awkwardly sitting down and putting his books on the desk.

''Hi, Harry.'' Louis smiled brightly at him. ''I'm Louis, this is Niall and Zayn.'' We all smiled and waved at him.

''Boys.'' The voice of our teacher caused all our heads to snap at her. ''Can you save the conversation to when I'm not teaching?'' She asked, causing Harry and Lou to smirk. Oh, how I knew this boy would be good friends with us.


''Horan!'' I shook my head, and looked around to see my teacher and the rest of my class looking over at me.

''Yes?'' I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

''If you are finished day dreaming, Mr. Styles is up here waiting for you to join him.'' Huh? How long as I been in my head. I looked beside me, to see a smirk Louis.

''My bad.'' I chuckled jogging up to the front of the room to join Harry in our project about our home town.

Basically, Harry, Louis, Zayn and I have been best friends since the day we all met, and nothing can come betwen us. We're just four young lads living our lives the way we please, ready to take on whatever life throws our way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2012 ⏰

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