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In the living room Criss was waiting for his mom as his mother came out of the bathroom

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In the living room Criss was waiting for his mom as his mother came out of the bathroom.  "You all right mom I thought something happened to you in there"he remarked.  "I'm fine Christopher I guess the time difference is getting to me.  Can we see that exhibit tomorrow?"she asked.  "Sure mom let me bring your luggage in your room". Later that night in his room Criss was sleeping when he heard a door open.  He got up and opened his bedroom door to see his mother looking at a picture of his brothers and her. 

Criss noticed tears were falling down her face.  "Mom you all right?" he asked coming over.  "Oh Christopher I'm sorry did I wake you?" wiping her face.  "Mom what's going on since you got here something's different about you.  I've never seen you tear up this much expect when I almost died in that building collapse"Criss stated.  "I'm all right sometimes when I look at you I see a lot of your father in you and it makes me sad sometimes that he didn't see what you became" she replied. 

Criss gave his mom a hug and told her that he did up in heaven.  "I guess you're right Christopher I'm going to go back to bed and thanks for the hug" she stated. That next day Criss was looking at some stuff on his computer as his mother came out dressed.  "Have a good sleep mom" he asked.  "After that talk we had yes I did"she remarked smiling.  "I made some tea for you" as he shut down his computer.  "Thank you Christopher and what are you still doing here I thought you'd be at work right now" she said. 

"I took the day so I could spend some time with my mother" he replied walking over to her.  "Come here Christopher I want to see if you have a fever".  Criss laughed.  "Come on mom I just don't get to see you as much as I want to.  Maybe-".  "Don't even say it Christopher I'm fine in New York"she replied.  "Than how about you come to Las Vegas during the winter season instead" he offered.  "I'll think about it now after I finish my tea why don't we go have some breakfast and call your brother and we'll have breakfast together". 

After saying that the door opened and Costa and JD came in.  Dimitra smiled as they gave her hugs and kisses.  "Christopher you have to stop reading my mind"she stated as Criss snickered. Downstairs after breakfast Dimitra wanted to see her granddaughter so JD took her.  After that Criss went into a clothing store.  "Criss what's going on?" Costa inquired following him.  "I was looking for something in here and I saw this dress that would look good on mom"he stated.  As Criss looked through the racks Josephine saw him in the window and went in. 

Not realizing she was there Criss found the dress he was looking for.  "I don't think Navy blue is your color Criss" she said.  Criss looked up and saw Josephine.  Criss blushed in embarrassment as she walked over.  "It's not for me it for my mom"he replied.  "I'm just pulling your leg Christopher I think your mom will love it".  "Criss can we go before-oh hello there".  "Josephine meet my brother Costa.  This is the lady I was telling you about". 

They shook hands.  "Nice to meet you Costa I need to get going I have a meeting with a client see you guys later" and she left.  "I wonder if she has a boyfriend" Criss thought out loud.  "I wouldn't Criss she's gay my gaydar is going off"Costa remarked.  "Please when you met Klayton you kept telling me he was gay, now he's married with newborn twins.  I wouldn't trust your gayder even if a gay man kissed me"Criss replied.  Criss paid for the dress and they left.

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