The setup

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Written by that smoothie
Alex leaned over to Taehyung

Alex:soooo tae tae how u liking ellie?...
Taehyung put his thumbs up and smiled swallowing his mouth full of noodles
Alex laughed

Alex:hey why don't u come to the park tomorrow around 4pm we can watch the sunset with the others?
Tae:oh sure

Alex leaned over to Ellie and said the exact same thing, this was going to be the great setup!

(Next day)

Taehyung had arrived at the park and sat on a bench wondering why no one had showed up
Ellie also arrived only seeing Taehyung, she sat next to him

Ellie:where are the others?
Tae:i don't know they were supposed to be here ages ago but i guess its just us

They got up and began to walk around when suddenly their phones lit up

Alex:"have a nice date"
Ellie blushed while tae just smiled and kept walking.

(A/N hey so sorry that we haven't updated trust me we are busy as hell I'm even ill as I'm writing this)

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