The Story of Silver

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With great power comes great responsibility. This is what I was always told and what I learned. I learned this lesson the day everything changed for me and I was granted powers beyond my imagination. That was the day I became Silver.

Let's start from the beginning. My name is Serenity and I was born and raised in River city. Supers as we call the started showing up before I was even born and now we rely on them for everything, from stopping big supervillains to saving a woman from a robber. I've always wanted to be a super it is my biggest dream, but the closest thing I have been to one is in my books. I am a nerd by all definition, I read all day and get all 95 or above on my report card. Heck I even have the glasses.

Anyways, what I am about to tell you is a secret and you can not tell anyone. This is my story.

It started on my 10th grade class trip. We went to River City Super Museum. The museum was built to celebrate and remember all supers of past and present. The super for River city right now was Shadow. He protects our city and stops crime. His powers are super cool. No pun intended. He has super strength, speed, and can blend into the shadows, hence the name. He is amazing and one of the strongest supers there are today. I wish I could be like him.

"Over here we have the memorial to the great battle for River City. Our great hero, Eagle, is fighting Nightmare, a powerful supervillain that could make your worst nightmares a reality. Under the statute we have all the names of the lives lost in the battle." The teacher said. I looked for the one name of the person that mattered most to me, my mother.

I remember the day of the great battle like it was yesterday even tho it was 8 years ago. I was 7 and the fight was going on for awhile already. Eagle and Nightmare were getting tired and one was going to fall soon. The school I was in had sent everyone home because the fight was getting too close to the school. I was waiting for my mom to come pick me up when it happened. I saw my mom come around the corner just as the fight reached the end of the city where we were. It was the final strike for both supers neither survived and neither did my mother. When they had the final strike their powers collapsed the building my mother was walking right next too. She died instantly I was told. When the police found me I was trying to dig my mother out screaming "she's not dead." My teachers voice took me out of my memory.

" And over here we have the statues of all River City's hero's. In the front we have our greatest heroes, Eagle and Shadow." The teacher continued.

I was so busy looking at the statues of the people who saved countless times that I didn't notice when the group left leaving me behind, or when the sirens went off signaling a super attack nearby.

"Watch out!" Someone screamed. Before I could comprehend what was happening and move I was knocked down. I had been hit on accident with a strange looking box, a white glowing stone fell out of it. Weird I thought.

I looked around and saw the Shadow fighting against Catty right in front of me. Catty is a known villain that steals for other villains who pay her. She is part cat after she was experimented on as a child.

"Take the stone and run!" Shadow yelled at me. "Whatever you do keep that stone safe." With that I picked up the stone and ran while Shadow kept Catty occupied.

I hide behind an exhibit where I could not be seen on the other side of the museum. I then took the stone out of my pocket wondering why it was so important. It was only the size of a golf ball in the shape of a diamond. It started to glow brighter and brighter to the point I had to close my eyes. When I could tell it was darker in the room I opened them again and realized I floated a good foot above the ground.

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