Little Mississippi farm

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   It was another boiling summer's night, and the song of the wind was flowing through the house. All the windows were open to the breezes to cool us in our sleep when the hum of the broken AC stopped all of a sudden. I slowly got up; this wasn't gonna be another sleepless sweaty night. I calmly and quietly walked on the floorboards that don't creak and walked to the light switch. I flipped it up, no power. "Well this is just great," I whispered.
I slowly made my way down the hall to grab a flashlight from the closet and I looked out onto the dusty group below it, and just by the truck i could see a figure, looking back at me. I ducked down low and trembled. I was alone in this house and my husband wouldn't be back 'til morning. I slowly opened the closet and grabbed the flashlight and the gun and crawled back to my room. I tried to think whether or not I had closed and locked the two doors to our small home on our little Mississippi farm. But what good would that do, I had left all the windows open to catch a slight breeze, anyone could easily remove the screen and climb right in. I slowly made my back into our room and closed the door. I loaded the gun and made my way to the window slowly. I looked back to the barn and the figure was gone, I scanned the yard and didn't see anyone. I got back down and crawled over to the other window and held back a scream. There was someone exiting the slaughter house with a large triangle shaped object in hand, how odd we don't have anything in there triangle shaped. Maybe a new sort of weapon? They walked in the shadows and were clearly trying to hide.

I jumped as i heard a scratching at my door. I looked out the window and the figure was gone, hidden somewhere in the midst of the farmyard. The scratching continued until i heard a whimper from the door. I relaxed, it was just Apollo, our fully black german shepherd. I ushered him in and made sure all the windows were tightly shut and went out into the hall to check if the foyer door was locked and shut and if all the windows were shut tight and locked. Then any door with possible entry on the second floor was locked. I finally realised a good purpose for the door at the start of our stairs and now I didnt think of it as a stupid little house plan mistake. I crept my way back to my room realizing how loud I must have been and when I locked my door I calmly laid down in bed with Apollo at my side on the floor and exhaled a sigh of relief.

I didn't realize i was falling asleep until I heard Apollo growling and throwing himself at a window to my right. I grabbed the gun and slowly walked over to the window and there just below it was a ladder being propped up to it but with no person in sight. I stood there waiting for someone to come up it not hearing the creek of the kitchen door opening quietly for my dog was barking to loudly, and I did not hear the click of the stair door unlock or the person walking up the stairs quietly until I heard the click of the bedroom door unlock and without thought I shot. I don't know how long I sat there minutes, hours on the floor with my eyes squeezed shut hoping I hit the right thing. Apollo had stopped barking, and the person now lies limp on the floor. I opened my eyes and screamed, There lies my husband and in his hands was a beautiful bouquet of Roses.

Authors Note: This is my first short story but i hope yall like it and if yall want more hit the like and follow button :)

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