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Yay! Another great story from me! I don't know where all these ideas are coming from (although this one might derive from me reading Sarah J. Maas' novel Throne of Glass), but I think they have some source. I have no idea how I'm gonna keep updating all these stories, seeing that this is the fifth I need to keep up to date. I hope you like this and those who like fantasy novels, I really do recommend Mrs. Maas' writings!

My new OC, Claire Meurtier (=French word for murderer/assassin/killer) is a panther. Her family was from Quebec, Canada, thus the French name. Her fur is completely black as is her hair. Her eyes are dark purple, but they will change when she enters her "hunting mode". The new colour is predatory yellow. She also has a flair for dramatics when in the field as you will soon discover. And since this is a romance story and the pairing is [Sly X OC] you can guess who'll be falling for whom. Claire isn't as tall as Sly, but equally agile and stealthy and certainly more deadly. She is a professional assassin, whose allegiance lies with the highest bidder. Her weapon of choice is a set of six daggers of different length. She is also well-trained with different kinds of sword and other edged weapons. When receiving jobs and in the field Claire uses the code name Nocturne, meaning that no one really knows her real name. She also has a habit to draw, because... well, she needs some sort of hobby. Right? And of course, her past is tragic, 'cause what would suit the plot and all better? I think this is enough. Do enjoy the story!

A lithe, shadowy silhouette ran across the moon. A whisper in night, unheard by anyone, seen by no one. The shadow moved almost like a wraith through the roofs of Los Angeles. It was in search of its prey.

The figure stopped in the moonlight, revealing a feminine figure clad in dark robe. Her face was covered by a hood and only thing visible were the menacing yellow eyes that spelled only one thing: "Death"

Nocturne was on the move.

She was on the job to assassinate someone. A competitor of a local crime lord who he wanted to be rid off.

For her it was of course no challenge.

"As nothing ever is..." she thought, almost bored.

Her target was walking down a dark, remote alley, completely alone and totally defenceless. A perfect place for the kill.

"What kind of an idiot is he? This is going to be easy"

Nocturne slid down a drain pipe at the end of the alley. There was no sound to be heard. She stood there, in the middle of the alley, waiting for her prey to come closer, her dark clothes making her one with the darkness.

The figure slowly wobbled closer.

"He's drunk? This guy has a serious death wish"

Two of her daggers drawn, she leapt forwards.

Her victim was now right in front of her. The daggers were looming on his neck, threatening to cut through any minute.

"Who are you?" came a terrified whisper.

"That's of no importance"

"What do you want?"

"Your life"

"Why?" the whisper was barely audible.

"You're time has come. Oblivion awaits"

"No! Wait!"

His scream stopped abruptly and he felt hot, sticky liquid stream down his neck and chest. He fell to the ground, letting out a rattled wheeze.

"Night is my friend and Death is my ally" Nocturne chanted silently.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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