Chapter 1 The Age of Fire No More

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A burning feeling, a cold sight, fluttering embers scared of the dark. It curls into itself on agony, trying to keep its weak flame from snuffing out. The dark in its wave of fear and stillness, cutting through its own hide to encapture the small flame that tries so hard to live. Why struggle so much, when the end is so near? When death looms so close above? From boy to man, from sheep to wolf, from ember to flame... So ignorant, to think such illusions of grandeur are the story that befalls before you. What more could be so rich as to be the perfect end for someone such as you?

His mind is shrouded in darkness, lingering from mindless days past. Lands told of only in legends and just as forgotten as his twisted nobility. Once pristine silver and angelic armor turned to demonic, black, and corrupted. His once beautifully decorated greatsword, now jagged, heavy, and devoid of all light to banish dragons. Once a weapon to cut the scales of stone, now suitable as a bludgeon for lack of shocking power. Even his shield now resides as a blackened disgraceful mass that has still yet to fail even in its "deformity" deemed so fitting of a title by its wielder. A companion by very definition, unable to forsake him, even joining the fate of its knight.

A thought came to wake him after so long in his cold bed of ash,'Gwydolin.' Beit as the royal knight or one of sworn existence to a loved one, he must find her. Though the lands he once knew were unrecognizable even at times long past, before his return to the kiln of the great flame. If it is for the fair maiden who admired her father so much, he would throw himself into the fires that overwhelmed him long ago thousands of times over. He mustn't shirk his long gone duty, lest he shirks his care for the princess. His gaze centered on the old resting place of Gwyn and the first flame, burning no more. Almost like a ghost. it was almost as if he saw the Lord of Sunlight himself, leaping to an undead that sought to end the then decrepit god reduced to a pebble of his former self. He could see him swing with a blade of flame and reach his hand with flame. He was fixated on the hallucination, forgetting how he moved his hand to gasp the sight.

Seeing his old form reduced to such a decrepit state brought no comfort to even those that would scorn him. It was a sad revelation to see. To mourn his glory at the world's harsh reality. The specters of long past saddened him, enough for him to attempt to sway his thoughts elsewhere. Struggling he found his body pinned by a weight he did not expect. He tried again, this time expecting the resistance. The ash broke apart from the new force exuded. Once hollow, one can never become human, but perhaps not all that become hollow are human, does the rule yet still apply?

When this knight was discovered by Gwyn, he seeped like a boiling cauldron with a dark fog that ate away the life from everything it touched. Gwyn gave armor to 'protect this knight from the outside world's corruption. Lies, all lies! Fear-mongering directed at oneself was the only fueling of such a decision.

Lies behind the truth of suppressing my heritage, the former lurker of Lordran was never permitted to take it off. He suspected Gwyn was not trying to protect him, but was instead protecting his so-called 'Age of Fire.' He assigned him to protect one of his children most in tune with the dark, an attempt to find how to control the creature born of the abyss. Although if it hadn't been for that, he'd not have found the one whom he could pledge allegiance, neigh, his whole being to. It seems he got what he wanted... He would do anything Gwyndolin ever asked, Gwyndolin always seemed like a girl to him, never a man. Thus, always referred to her as a maiden, much to her liking or disliking. She had never voiced her thoughts, only accepting it with a smile.

He'd spent long enough thinking of times past, he pulled hinself from the chamber... Tiredly, he sluggishly walked out of the kiln, passing the multiple black knights without substance to control their own being as he went, noting they numbered around 13 still within the kiln. He thought finding Gwyndolin may be a good start, not a single other goal is obvious that needs completion. One without a goal is nothing more than a hollow.

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