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The relationship between Jihyo and Tzuyu was, for lack of better words, an emotional ebb and flow. A constant repetition of fighting and making up. When they fought, it was nasty, and when they made up, it was sweet. Jihyo could ill think of any time she felt more hated when they quarreled with abandon, and more loved when they reconciled and Tzuyu was snuggled up in her chest.

It was illegal how someone could be such a spiteful witch, yet an adorable fluffy girlfriend at the same time.

Well, calling Tzuyu her 'girlfriend' would be a bit of a stretch. Despite being so accustomed to acting as a couple, they had sadly never confessed to one another.

That morning, they had a big fight involving their evening schedule, in which Jihyo voiced her concern on Tzuyu's recent tendency to stay up late. The maknae had insisted that it was her business alone, and Jihyo could have sworn she told her to 'leave me the fuck alone', and things pretty much went downhill from there.

Even though Jeongyeon had amusedly called it their daily lovers' spat, it was nowhere near trivial and lighthearted as the name implied.

At any rate, they were not on speaking terms for the larger part of the day. Even when they went out on a streetside fan meeting as part of their promotion for their new song 'Cheer Up', Tzuyu still gave her the cold shoulder.

That was the reason why, despite being the leader and therefore the spokesperson of the group, Jihyo was largely distracted during the meeting, and Sana had to take over as the representative.

"Jihyo-yah! Tzuyu is asking for you!" Momo's urgent whisper pulled Jihyo from her reverie.

"... Huh? What?"

"She wants you to be her microphone or something, I think."

"... What?" Momo did not respond further, opting to push Jihyo towards the maknae's direction instead. Puzzled beyond measure, Jihyo rushed over to Tzuyu; she was yet to understand the younger girl's intention, yet a part of her felt a bit happy that she was still on Tzuyu's mind.

[Tzuyu's POV]

Tzuyu knew, of course, that Jihyo was only looking out for her when she brought up the topic. Alas, the accumulated lack of sleep got to her then, so the concern from the older girl had seemed overbearing, and she could not help snapping with irritation.

Tzuyu had meant to apologize right away, she truly had. But in her defense, Jihyo did not seem to be her agreeable self today either. She did not give Tzuyu any quarter and snapped back as soon as the maknae finished her sentence.

Suffice to say, the apology never came through; rather, the argument became explosive, and now she couldn't bring herself to talk to Jihyo. And there would be an awkward conversation awaiting them after they were done with today's schedule; it was something Tzuyu dreaded, yet it had to be done, and the aftermath was often worth it- with no little thanks to the astronomical supply of kisses and cuddling.

She had stayed more or less silent the whole trip, intent on thinking of a way to bypass the awkwardness and skip straight to the romantic part.

Only when Nayeon nudged her sides and urged her to say something to the eager fans did Tzuyu blink back to reality. Right then, she thought of an idea. An idea so outrageous it could probably result in a disaster, yet the risk did not seem to click in her sleep-deprived mind at that time.

So Tzuyu refused the microphone Nayeon offered close to her mouth.

"I need my microphone." She said, giddy to execute her plan.

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