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Hello Everyone :) As you notice, some of the names of people and places are filled with stars for discressional purposes, as this is based on true events of my personal life. Thankyou x

Sometimes, life sucks.

Let me explain; I live in a luxury wedding venue- the best in Australia- called ***** ********. Of course, I’m sure you’re already thinking, “Wow, how lucky is she!” But no, unfortunately I would NOT call it luck. Every day, you have suppliers or clients streaming through your front door like they own the place! I can’t even walk around in my PJ’S anymore? Sometimes, I even feel like a spy, sneakily pouncing from spot to spot in my own massive house, attempting not to be caught… It feels kinda’ silly.

Oh yeah, one time I tried to ride my long board down my OWN driveway to unload my suitcases from the car, when down swoops *****, the wedding co-ordinater, like a stalking eagle, hunting for her pray. “******, don’t do this, don’t do that, it’s unprofessional… BLA, BLA, BLA!” At that moment, I blanked out. Nodding sheepishly, I pulled out my huge, heavy suitcases from the sleek black car, failingly trying to balance them on my tiny skateboard. I hobbled down the driveway like a demented horse, taking the long route all the way around the perimeter of the property. SHEESH…

Just today, even, I made a status on Facebook, complaining about living here, but with a positive edge. It went along the lines of, ‘Living in a Wedding Venue can be shit, but when you get your own personal Firework Show in your backyard, Life’s Good!’ Anyway, I’d count that as positive, right? But there I am, just nicely folding the laundry for mum, when she stomps around to me, telling me to delete it. I was really confused at first… was she admiring my helpful laundry skills, or sitting there stewing over my Facebook status?  After staring into my bewildered eyes for a few seconds, she realised that I didn’t get the joke. In a spiral of words, she explained that it was ‘Unprofessional,” stating that our suppliers might see it, and that it wasn’t a good look.

My temperature rose, my hands even felt a little clammy. The thoughts in my head now stewed and bubbled over, burning  away.  I could express myself freely to my friends in the Cyber world just 5 minutes ago, but now, I was not only entrapped in my own house, swamped with bride nightmares, but I couldn’t post a god damn status on Facebook! What was the world coming too, well, the wedding world anyway…

In conclusion, I just wanted to bitch about life, momentarily be in the light, as early teens do. Sometimes (very obviously), it feels as if girls would KILL to live in my position, and they would swap lives with me if it was as easy as clicking your fingers. But what they don’t realise, is that I’d trade anything to live like them. Have a simple roast for dinner each night, not have people staring at me with boggle eyes because my house’s big and I live on the water. I guess I only have to wait a couple more months, when we move to Bali, the land of free spirits.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2012 ⏰

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