11th Doctor: All You Need is a Bit of Courage

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“...And his bow ties, and just...” I sighed. Amy smiled. “You know, you should tell him. Maybe he might like you back.” I snorted. “Me? Even if he did, He's a Time Lord, and I'm just human...” She nodded sympathetically. Amy and I were having one of our many 'sleepovers' in the TARDIS. This time, she was in my room.

“But he has no eyebrows.” I giggled. I put my fingers over my eyebrows, and Amy started giggling. This turned into a laughing fit. After five minutes of uncontrollable laughter, we heard someone knock on the door.

“Coming!” I shouted, smiling, my sided hurting as I stood up. I opened the door to see a slightly worried Rory. “Are you two alright?” He asked, looking over at Amy, who was still giggling. “Yup, yup. Just laughing our butts off, that's all.” “Are they okay?” I could hear the Doctor shout from the Control Room, giving me a slight tingly feeling in my stomach. “Yup.” He called back. Amy came up from behind me. “Bye Rory.” She said as she shut the door.

I plopped back down onto my bed, Amy close behind. “Were you like this when you met and got to know Rory?” “Well, yeah, but not to this extent. You are really lovesick.” She smirked. I blushed. “You have to tell the Doctor, (Y/n). You can't live like this.” “Wha- what?!” I was taken aback. “How many times have you talked about the Doctor to me?” Amy crossed her arms around her chest. “Uhm, I- I...” I stuttered. “Exactly. Too many times to count. So, you better get your butt out there, and tell him.” Her stare was unwavering. “I'm in my pajamas!” I protested. “So?” “I don't want to look like an idiot.” “Fine. I'll help you get ready. But after, you have to confess to the Doctor.” “What if he doesn't like me back?” “Well, then, his loss.” “I've never done this kind of thing before...”

~~~Time Skip to When You Are Ready: Brought to You by the TARDIS~~~

“You look... amazing!” Amy gasped as you twirled in the mirror. “Okay, no time to lose. Go get him!” She winked, making me roll my eyes. “Wait!” I heard Amy call out, slipping on her shoes. “What is it now?” “I'm coming with you. I have to get Rory out of the Control Room.” She followed behind me as we made our way to the Control Room.

When we had finally made it to the Control Room, Amy walked as casually as she could to Rory. “Rory, can you come with me? I have to show you something.” She said. “Can I come too?” The Doctor asked. “No. Come on, Rory.” Amy pulled him to their room, leaving the two of us alone. “Hey, (Y/n).” The Doctor stopped pushing buttons and pulling leavers to look at me. He smiled, and a light pink dusted my cheeks. “Hi.” We just kind of stood there, looking at each other. I gathered my confidence, and took a deep breath. “So, Doctor,” I began. The Doctor frowned at my serious tone. “We have known each other for a while now, and-” The Doctor interrupted me. “I know what you're going to say. Can you just stay one more day before you go?” I looked confused, my brain not registering what the Doctor had said. Tears welled up in the Doctor's eyes. “Excuse me.” The Doctor ran off into one of the many hallways that lead out of the Control Room. The meaning of the words that the Doctor had said finally clicked. “Doctor, I-” I just got a glimpse of him as he ran into a hallway. I ran after him. “Doctor!” I shouted while running. “Doctor!”

I ran for ten minutes shouting “Doctor, Doctor!” I finally gave up and collapsed against the wall. “Why can't I find him?” I asked the TARDIS, a tear rolling down my cheek. Suddenly, the hallway changed, and I could hear a muffled sobbing. “Thank you.” I got up and hugged the wall. The TARDIS shuddered slightly in response. If anyone saw me, they would probably think I'm crazy.

I walked down the hallway, the sobbing getting louder, until I reached an old fashioned wooden door. I knocked on the door. “Doctor?” I called softly. “Go away.” I hear him sniffle. “Come on. Let me in.” “No.” I tried the door handle, and to my surprise, it was unlocked.

The opened door revealed a normal sized room that was filled with bookshelves. It had a cozy environment, with a fire burning in the fireplace. Except this fire a golden color. And in the corner, was the Doctor, curled up into a ball. “I thought,” Sniff. “I told you,” Sniff. “To go away.” Sniff. “Did you honestly think I would go?” I asked him. He didn't reply, but his sobs wavered for a second, then got harder. I took this opportunity to hug him. We don't hug often, so this was special. He hugged me back, sobbing into my shoulder. I rubbed soothing circles on his back, taking a deep breath of him. He smelled like cologne, and something else that could only be him. A smell I associated with safe.

“Did you really think that I wanted to go?” I whispered soothingly into his ear. “You,” Sniff. “Don't want,” Sniff. “To go?” Sniff. I laughed softly. “Do you really think that I would give up...” I struggled to find words. “This?” I said, my arms leaving him and gesturing to the TARDIS. The Doctor looked up at me, with my arms up and opened wide as he wiped his damp cheeks. He snuggled into my chest, making me blush tomato red. “Control yourself (Y/n), control yourself.” I said to myself, and I could feel my cheeks cool down.

“So, what were you going to tell me?” He mumbled into my chest. “Oh, um, that's not important.” A blush forming on my cheeks. “Tell me.” He whined. “No.” “Please!” He gave me adorable puppy dog eyes. I turned my head so I didn't give in. “Please, please, please!” I glanced at him and my heart melted, but I was surprisingly keeping strong. “Or do I have to force it out of you?” I heard the Doctor whisper into my ear, making chills race down my spine.

The Doctor suddenly grabbed me and gently laid me down on the floor, and straddled me. I could feel myself blush. I tried to gently push the Doctor off, but he pinned my arms down. “Doctor?” I gulped, the tingly feeling in my stomach increased as he inched closer to my face. “Doctor?” I said again. “Tell me.” He growled. “Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.” I said as I slipped out of his grasp and scooted to the other side of the room. “I kind of, maybe, have a tiny crush on you.” I said, almost inaudibly.

“What was that? I couldn't hear you.” The Doctor said as he scooted closer to me. I took a deep breath. “I...” I took another deep breath. “I think I might like you.” “I like you too. Did you not like me before?” He said, the corners of his lips turning down. “No! No, not like that. I've always liked you. You are funny, smart, kind, adora-” I caught myself. “I just think that I might like you... Do you see where I'm coming from?” “Yes.” He replied. Then sighed, and said, “No.” I took a long, deep breath. “Doctor, I think I'm in love with you.” His eyes widened, and my cheeks were as red as a tomato. “Oh.” He said, his mouth making a perfect o. “Well,” He said, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. “I bet you wouldn't mind if I did this.” With each word, he got closer to me until he was a centimeter away from my face.

“Doct-” My words were muffled by his lips pressing onto mine. His arms went around my waist, and mine around his neck. We pulled away, gasping for breath. “Wow.” I said, resting my forehead on his. “Wow is right.” He smirked. He swiftly closed the gap between our lips  again, kissing me passionately again. This time the kiss was more heated, more filled with love. My fingers running through his hair, and him squeezing my waist. He laid me down on the ground again, him on top, never breaking the kiss.

When we did pull apart, he buried his face into my neck and said, “Did I mention I love you too?”

Author's Note: No one reads these, but what the hell. SO HOW DID YOU LIKE MY FIRST DOCTOR WHO IMAGINE?! I hope you did. This took me three hours... There are a lot more imagines to come, so stay tuned, my mischevious little monkeys! 


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