1. gotta be female of lgbt of course
2. i would recommend not applying if you haven't seen infinity war.
3. don't apply if you can't respect other peoples' opinions because no one likes that
4. you have to be nice to other admins that are accepted. don't join if you have beef with one of us.spots/roles:
work with everything. help run the place because we built the place, thots.
3/3 taken.
tony stark: teenagesuicides
hawkeye: izzydidit
scarlet witch: wonderwaIIsadmin roles!
graphic designers:
these babes make graphics and help with making themes.
1/2 taken.
enter marvel charactor here:
enter marvel character here:writers and editors:
these cuties write and lgbt+ stories we might have on here, and editors make sure it's not shitty.
3/4 taken
enter marvel charactor here:
enter marvel character here:
enter marvel character here:
enter marvel character here:to apply!
1. what are you applying for?
2. why are you applying for this?
3. pronouns and sexuality? (it's okay if you're questioning/not sure)
4. what can you contribute to the account?
5. how active are you? timezone?
6. what's your kik? you must have one.
7. if you were deserted alone on an island, what three items would you have with you?
8. how well do you work with others?
9. have you ever been in a group account before? what did you contribue to it?
red! admin introduction!
De Todoin which you can meet our admins and become one! (admins are open!) (cover made by the babe nic 💖)