Thirty Five 👀

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Thankfully we left the fighting arena after that fight. I don't know if I could stomach another one. It was just too much.

I need to see my mom.

I look at Victor about to mention it, but he stops me.

"I will take you to her ... after we talk about whatever plan my son has to get me off my throne."

"And why would he be planning that?" I try not to sound sarcastic, but evidently by the cut of his eyes towards me, I wasn't that successful.

"I know he has painted me to be some horrible monster, but I am not. I am simply living the life I have to the fullest."

Ugh, he sounds so ... full of himself. It's sickening.

"Don't roll your eyes at me young woman," he quickly stops me, pushing me against the nearest wall of the hallway. I just noticed we are alone... shit. "I am your King."

"Sorry ... but what I just saw, the fighting, the glazed over humans ... the ... orgy room with even more mind controlled humans ... it seems you are a monster, just like what has been painted."

He looks at me a moment, his violet eyes boring into me. He then sighs, taking a step back.

"Lets put this in ... simple terms. I forget you weren't raised as a pureblood, but as a pitiful human. Ask yourself my child, does the lion not feed from the gazelle? Do humans not cultivate farms for animal produce? Do the strong not govern over the weak? That is all I am doing, all any of us here are doing. Those humans, be they runaways, black-market slave trade purchases, or even willing donors, they are but measly sheep, gazelle. We, vampires, are lions. We do not feel sorry for our meals, because we need them to survive."

He then pauses, making sure to look me square in the eyes.

"As a vampire, and a pureblood at that, you have to ask yourself ... will you be the lioness you were born and bred to be? Or would you prefer to fall into the flock and die with the lesser beings?"

"I won't treat humans like this... or wolves for that matter. Its sick," before I realize it, I've rattled off from my head. Double shit.

"The truth comes out," he scoffs. "Perhaps you're just as flawed as my son. Seems I'll still need a new heir before I take my slumber."

Before I can comprehend what he's said, I feel him grab my arms firmly and shove my body into the wall, pinning me between him and it.

"Let me go!"

"It's a good thing you're here then, isn't it? Don't worry, you'll enjoy it," he then goes towards my neck with his fangs.

Blood control... he has that gift. I quickly dodge, struggling to get out of his grasp. When I can't remove my hands, I do the next best thing I can think of in a pinch.

I let my knee meet his balls.

That works. He doubles over in pain and I take my opportunity to run.

Run to where I don't know, but so long as it's away from him.

I need to find my mother in this maze, but I don't have the slightest idea where she could be.

"Get her!" I hear Victor's voice echo along the halls.

I won't slow down, nor look back. No. I know what he was insinuating. My womb is my own fucking oven. No way in hell is his old as hell prick touching me. I'll rip the thing off of him if I have to.

- - - - - - - - -


I had hoped I would never have to set foot in this place again ... Victor's Estate. Memories of the last time I was here flood my mind. I was just sixteen when I left. I had over heard the vampires about what they wished to do with me. Hell no. Never would I be some fuck toy.

The Hummer stops outside the doors and I feel the knot in my stomach forming. Bruce, my friend for years sits beside me. I know his pack is somewhere, waiting to attack.

"This is crazy," Damien tries to stop us again. "Without the Ball, there is no distraction. Victor's men will be everywhere and free to stop us and your pack. You need to-"

"You needed to help us wolves," Bruce quickly sneers, his wolf's growl coming out on his words.

"Lets just get this over with, shall we? I know I'd rather have a sexy woman in my bed, not someone elses," Alec states, exiting the vehicle as he speaks.

I can't agree more on that ... but a better plan than 'bust in and kill whatever tries to stop us' would be nice.

Damien groans as he exits the car. "Fine, but if this is to even have a chance in hell, listen to me. We need to split up. Your pack will go in whatever way your alpha has deemed suited for your deaths. Alec, you and Zyn will go in from the east wing and I will start at the west."

"You're going alone?" Alec raises a brow. "Seriously? Got some witches in your pocket or something?"

"Well, I hope that I'll make enough noise to get his attention and keep him focused on me. Maybe you and Zyn can get Beth out of there. The wolves, if they survive, can get their pack. Seems the best plan I can come up with on such short notice... since the wolves refuse to wait a few days."

"Better than nothing," I sigh with a shrug. "Come on," I quickly grab Alec's arm. Lets hope the moon goddess, or whoever is up there watching us, is on our side tonight. We're going to need all the help we can get.

- - - - - - - - -

A/N: *bites nails nervously* sooo, yeah, coming up will be confrontation. And lets face it, I'm not good at that at all. I shy away from it when ever and how ever. I guess that's another reason why it's getting hard to write ... I just need to push through it. Still ... makes my tummy churn thinking about it.

Hope you enjoyed

Not Edited, but I bet you knew that already. 😉

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