Ready (a Klaine One-Shot)

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For what seemed like the first time in many months, especially after all the hectic planning and coordinating, everything was still. The corridors were silent, with the exception of an old grandfather clock chiming several times somewhere hidden in the manor.

Blaine appeared at the end of the hall, disturbing the peace by hastily moving forward and turning his head widely in search of one thing, or one person.

He scrunched up his nose and attempted to shake himself out gently. He had been given a long time to be nervous, but right now Blaine knew that standing tall was important right now. He'd always tried to be a leader to everyone he met, showing them how to be courageous, even since he was young. And the first step was always being courageous himself.

Finally he approached the last door at the end of the stretching hallway. He pressed his ear against the deep mahogany while resting his fingers on the door handle. The other side was quiet, but he knew that it had to be the one.

There was nothing holding him back now. Blaine turned the handle and calmly pushed open the door as he anticipated what he would find on the inside. And what he found was absolutely stunning.

Kurt sat quietly on the other side of the room, seated on a plush stool in front of a wide vanity. He noticed the him immediately.

"Blaine!" he sighed with his eyes focused on the reflection of the man behind him in the mirror.

Blaine quickly came in and shut the door behind him swiftly. "I-I just..." he was suddenly at a loss for words. "Don't say anything about bad luck when seeing each other before the wedding or anything. I just needed to see you. You look amazing."

Kurt sighed again while setting down the hairbrush he had previously been using. Blaine soon found a chair and pulled it up close to him, so that both of their faces could be seen in the reflection of the vanity's mirror. "I sent the other girls away. I just wanted to be alone right now."

"And they agreed to that?" Blaine said. "I don't plan on leaving you alone right now, but I didn't think I would put up more of a fight than Rachel."

"Yes, Rachel didn't want to leave me alone either, even if she is the maid of honor," Kurt replied, smirking. "But why did you come looking to find me? It's as if you knew I wanted you here with me."

"It's because I know that you've been walking alone for so long, with everything you've done in your life," Blaine replied. "And I couldn't wait a moment longer until I could finally get the chance to walk beside you for the rest of it."

Kurt held out his hand, which Blaine happily took to intertwine their fingers between them. "Can you believe that today is our wedding? I've been planning this day for myself since I was seven years old, but I don't think I've ever done enough thinking about who I was marrying. This is supposed to be the happiest day of my life, and you-"

"Kurt, are you honestly worried about me?" Blaine questioned. "Maybe this is supposed to be the happiest day of your life, but you and I, together, is going to make every day forward the happiest in my life." He looked down and twisted the engagement ring, soon to be extended to marriage, on Kurt's finger. "I know you've been planning your wedding for years, but it'll only take me one second to know that you and I were meant to be together fearlessly and forever."

"Fearlessly and forever," Kurt repeated, chuckling. "You know, it took me a long time to think about whether or not we were meant for each other, but the moment you proposed was like there wasn't any thinking at all. I knew my answer had to be yes. It makes me wonder why I ever doubted it in the first place."

"So we have no reason to worry," Blaine smiled into the mirror, bringing his hands up to rub Kurt's shoulders gently.

"Who said anything about that?" Kurt replied. "You're basically the only positive thing on my checklist. I still don't know if the reception hall is big enough, or if the centerpieces will look too crowded on the tables, or if Sam is going to forget the rings, or if the flowers are going to match the color of the dresses that Mercedes picked out, because she really insisted that I could trust her on-"

"Kurt, Kurt!" Blaine laughed, closing the space between their lips, which instantly silenced him. "Please, don't worry. The flowers look fine and the centerpieces fit perfectly. And you look perfect," he said as soon as they separated. "But I'm glad to know that you're positive about marrying me..."

"I don't know," he mumbled, tugging on the end of his waistcoat. "I got to thinking about the way I'd look when we were up there in front of everyone, and I know you got us those jackets to wear for today but maybe I'd look better without it..."

Blaine shrugged. "No problem." Right then he slid out of his dark black jacket and threw it down next to the matching one lying on the back of the chair. "Better?"

Kurt smiled. "One last thing..." He reached over to Blaine's neck and straightened out the silver tie over his white dress shirt. The two of them had agreed months ago that for their wedding, Kurt was definitely more fashion-forward, therefor he took the silver bowtie while Blaine got the necktie.

"I love you so much..." the whisper escaped Blaine's lips unknowingly as he gazed longingly into his fiance's/soon-to-be-husband's/true love's eyes.

He looked up and smiled. "You know, even if everything were to go wrong at this wedding, none of that would matter to me. If I can manage to say 'I do' without losing my breath, than I can know safely that I will be able to spend the rest of my life with someone as caring and loving as you," Kurt said.

The two of them stood up, brushing off each other's shoulders and taking one last look into the mirror. "So now there's nothing left to do except... get married." The words suddenly felt strange in Blaine's mouth.

"I like what you said earlier," mentioned Kurt. "I feel like I've been walking on my path alone for so long, but now I know that I have someone to walk with me. And having someone who is so kind, so careful, so full of love... it makes me want to walk forever."

They joined hands again and headed for the door. "Absolutely. There isn't anyone else I'd rather have at my side. But we've both had paths, Kurt. Now they're finally becoming one."

Blaine leaned in towards the man's lips, but Kurt stopped him. "Wait. I want the next kiss to be with my husband. And everyone is gathering in the main hall, so they'll be expecting it. Just pretend that we're surprised to see each other for the first time."

"Of course. You always surprise me in the best ways."

Kurt shook his head and chuckled. "Are you ready?"

"Yes. I've always been ready."

Ready {A Glee/Klaine One-Shot}Where stories live. Discover now