Stunning Beauty

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Walking along the field,
Flowers blooming everywhere
Asters, Buttercups, Peonies
Between others; Each one beautiful
And emitting a different scent.

But there was a certain flower that
Stood out. One that seemed to put all
The others to shame; A beautiful, bright red
Glooming rose, it wasn't like the other roses.
There was something about it that made
It unique and beautiful in it's own way.

The breathtaking rose had damaged petals,
Scars on the stem, with long, sharp thorns to
Protect itself from being damaged like before,
It's intriguing to see how after all it's been through
How much more stronger and beautiful it has become;
After all the hurt, it is still standing firm and glowing with
Beauty like no other.

I have set my eyes on the rose since then, although I don't feel
The same way I did in the beginning - In a good way.
Much more happens inside me when I see her; My pulse
Seems to rise when I'm around her, I try to hide it every time.
I water her every day, not too much, if not she will get sick of it
And not to little, if not she will fall over.

I want her for my own
I want her in my home in a vase
Standing by the window, getting sun.
I could have her closer, and give her all
The water she needs. But I'm afraid

I'm afraid that when I detach her roots from the soil
And take her home, the insects inside will hurt her
I'm afraid that I will lose that special, unique experience
That we had when we were both in our natural homes,
I'm afraid we won't belong.

-Scott Chaires

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