Dabria makes the move

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Before the masquerade ball starts each and every person changed their appearance and hid their faces so nobody can tell them apart. Changing the appearance secretly is not a problem as there are enough green rooms in the mansion. The mansion where the Ball is taking place is separated from the Vongola mansion but nobody knows about it. Everyone thought the party mansion is Vongola mansion. Vongola wanted to welcome their guests properly so they wrote in the invitations that the guests are to change after welcomed by Vongola.

One by one almost all the dignified guests started to spread around the hall. No one is able to tell others apart. The Vongola guardians are exception. As they are host they made sure that they embroidered the Vongola chest mark on their clothes so everyone can ask for  help if any problem occurs as they can differentiate them. And also the Vongola can differentiate among themselves. They look stunning even though their faces are covered.

"Chrome chan. You look worried. Are you okay?" asked kyoko.

"I'm okay kyoko chan," replied Chrome.

"Are you sure?" asked haru.

"Yes I am sure. Thanks for worrying about me," replied Chrome.

"Chrome do you know where Mukuro is?" asked Yamamoto.

"Yes I know. He is preparing some kind of surprise and strictly said not to disturb him," replied Chrome and the guardians shivered for some reason.

"Hn," said the fake Hibari. Yamamoto startled by the sudden arrival of Hibari.

"Hibari senpai you startled me. Where have you been?" questioned Yamamoto but the fake Hibari again hned and walked away and then disappear. Yamamoto felt glad that Haibara came to the ball. He told the other guardians about Hibari.

"It's almost 8 pm. I think we should check on juudaime. He is the one to inaugurate the party," murmured Gokudera.

"I will go and check if Tsuna got up or not," whispered Yamamoto to Gokudera.

"I will go and check," said Gokudera.

"Don't worry about him I will go. You stay behind and entertain our guests," said Yamamoto and went away.

After some time Yamamoto returned with Tsuna along with reborn. Tsuna raised the wine cup to indicate the official start of masquerade ball after the little speech he had given.

While Tsuna was rising the wine cup the Guerra family boss Dabria Guerra felt excited that that handsome man will become hers tonight. She started to smirk and stalk Tsuna. After some time Dabria seeing Tsuna happily talking to kyoko and haru  wanted to tear them apart but she controlled herself. The other famiglia's daughters to get married to Tsuna also started to approach him without revealing the identity of course. Everyone knows what's the true purpose of the ball is.

Bianca daughter of Spada Famiglia boss Spigolo Spada asked Tsuna to be her dance partner. Tsuna wanted to dance with kyoko first but he gladly took Bianca as her first partner. As the music starts they started to dance. Of course Tsuna stepped on Bianca's feet several times but never let others know about it and always apologise by whispering into  Bianca's ears. Bianca felt as if she is in heaven and didn't mind Tsuna's dance misses. Seeing them Dabria was furious inside. Whoever she is Dabria decided to kill her tonight but before that she needed Tsuna to drink the potion.

After some time Tsuna and Bianca parted away as Tsuna wanted to ask kyoko to dance with him. But before he could approach her another women blocked him.

"Hello Vongola decimo," greeted Dabria.

"Hello dear lady. Hope you are having fun tonight?" enquired Tsuna.

"Of course I am," said Dabria and extended her hand for handshake. Tsuna being the gentleman he returned the handshake. Once Dabria sensed his smooth and little rough skin she started to creepily touching his hand. Feeling uncomfortable he removed his hand.

"Tsuna san I would to do cheers with you," said Dabria and before he could reply she gave him the water glass mixed with potion that she was holding with her other hand and took another water glass from her friend.

"Please excuse my rudeness but I can't drink alcohol today so with," said Dabria and raised her cup.

Tsuna started to get an headache but as he can't be rude and thought what could go wrong with water. So he also raised his cup said cheers and drank it. After drinking the water Tsuna felt really strange as if someone hypnotized him. He started to have desire burning feelings for Dabria.

Taking Dabria's hand Tsuna asked, " Will you marry me?"

"Yes," replied Dabria feeling excited.

Tsuna enchanted by the potion wanted to announce to the world that he wants to marry Dabria. So he got everyone's attention.

"Today I found my true love. I am glad to introduce my love the beautiful woman here beside me. Even though I  don't know her name she is my soul mate. I'm going to marry her tomorrow," announced Tsuna.

"WHAT," shouted the Vongola guardians. Some people are so shocked that their brain stopped working. Some people wanted to cry and some wanted to beat some sense into Tsuna.

"Tsuna we know that today you have to select one as fiancee but getting married tomorrow is ridiculous," said Yamamoto trying to convince Tsuna.

"For the first time I agree with  yakyu baka (baseball freak). You need to spend some time with her before getting married like that. Juudaime you barely know her," said Gokudera. The guardians knew Tsuna is into kyoko but they didn't expect this.

"How can you two treat me like that? I thought friends support each other," yelled Tsuna. "I'm going to marry her tomorrow and that's final. If you want you can come and even if you don't I don't care," continued Tsuna.

When Tsuna is about to turn around out of nowhere reborn kicked Tsuna unconscious. "Our honoured guests due to some unexpected reasons Vongola decimo fainted. We are trying to treat him so he may be absent for some time. Please enjoy the ball to your fulles," announced reborn and dragged his stupid student away.

Dabria wanted to follow them but was stopped by Yamamoto and Gokudera followed reborn. All other guardians stayed behind to entertain their guests. Dabria got irritated by Yamamoto's behaviour but held back as Tsuna has already hers and nobody can stop her.

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