A close encounter

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It was a calm winters night in Berlin, but  battle was on between the great lord Irene and the villainous Zane.With there swords clashing in the moonlight the battle was close to and end. Irene was grazed badly but was still taking a stand. Zane had three scratches across his face from where Irene had got him but he did not give up. He needed this so he fought for it. Zane was planning to take over Phoenix Drop. The most powerful village there is. Everyone from every species got along, werewolves, witches and even shadow knights. Irene looked Zane in the eyes. "It doesn't have to be like this Zane!" She cried. "Yes it does because once I get control of your precious village, I also take over all the other dimensions" Zane laughed villainously while knocking Irene to the ground."SAY GOODBYE"Zane laughed as he went to bring his sword down on Irene. She managed to dodge the first blow and watched as the sword was lodged into the ground. She got up and before Zane could get his sword out, she kicked him in the back sending him to the ground. ",Zane....this was your choice....but please give up"Irene said trying to persuade Zane to give up. Zane laughed maniacally and looked at Irene with a smile. "You might be a quitter......but I don't give up that easily Irene" Zane said still with a grin across his face. Irene looked down at him in sorrow. "I have to stop this for good" Irene whispered to herself. She looked over to see her sword lying on the ground and Zane's still lodged in the ground. She grabbed the closest one, Zane's. She tried to pull it out and eventually did with a jolt that caused her to fall back and let go of the sword. Zane saw his chance and stood up and grabbed the sword that lay on the ground. He stood over Irene and said " looks like the tables have turned". He raised the sword up after moving his foot in the way so she couldn't move. Irene looked at the sword and saw no way out. Zane laughed and went to bring the sword down on Irene but was disturbed by another sword. "I don't think that's going to happen......brother". Zane looked up to see a familiar green hood and said "Vlyad......my youngest brother....looks like I'll have to kill you too". Vlyad laughed and lifted up his sword using all of his strength while knocking Zane back onto the ground near the forest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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