Night Swim

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Lisa was tapping her fingers on the floor with a calculated look on her face. She just finished her workout at Class Zero. This time she got the Disco Room that slowly became her favorite as well.

She glanced at the clock on her mobile phone then leaned on the wall. The room was dark, with only the disco ball spinning around and giving a ghostly glow. She came to love this room, all because of that one sunbaenim (who Lisa thought was weird), but now she couldn't enjoy the room without thinking of him every now and then.

"Weird guy and his posessiveness over this room...", whispered Lisa.

The same weird sunbaenim who last week told her to come today and accompany him swimming.

"What do you mean I need a reason to ask you to go swimming with me? It's for the Pad Thai you've never cooked for me till now."

She puffed out her cheeks. So he's still demanding me to cook for him huh?

It was not that Lisa didn't want to cook for him, but cooking a homemade Thai dish and giving it to a guy was a big dthey for her (Besides she couldn't cook very well. She even consulted with her chef dad when she made the Korean dishes for Sehun). She wanted to save it for someone special. Or for a special ocassion. She've cooked Thai meals for her members and family of course, but never for a guy. And she wanted to keep it that way.

Will he be mad if I bail out on this weird "invitation" of his? I mean, seriously night swimming of two idols of different sex from two different companies???? Oh my God, what if YG finds out?! What if the unnies find out???!

So far her members knew that Lisa sometimes chat with Sehun whenever she visits Class Zero and they've never really made a big deal out of it (although sometimes she could feel the teasing look Jennie and Jisoo gave her).

"Okay getting find out is scarier than making him mad", decided Lisa. She stood up and put her belongings to the gym bag, switched off the disco ball then proceed to the door. Then she stopped.

I once cheered him up, now I'm going to make him upset? She eyed her gym bag where inside her long sleeved swimsuit was folded neatly. Lisa sighed. "I'm sure he'll understand, right?" I'll cook him a three course meal If I have to later.

The hall was deserted. Lisa tip toed her way to the stairs when suddenly a figure appeared at the top of it.

"Sorry I'm late, Lisa-ya!"

She half groaned. Sehun stood before her with an apologetic smile. He developed a habit of calling her Lisa-ya instead of Lisa-ah due to Blackpink's song Boombayah (sometimes he even called her Lisa-yaya). He was looking left and right, making sure all the dance rooms were empty.

"I thought you were already at the swimming pool?", asked both of them at the same time.

"Uh. I actually just cooled off after finishing my work out", explained Lisa who tried not getting into detail as of why she was heading to the stairs instead of the lift.

"My meeting at SM took longer than I thought", said Sehun. "Ah I get it! You must have waited for me to pick you up at the Disco room and since I came really late, you thought I didn't come, did you?"

"I–", one look at Sehun's happy face made her escape plan shattered. "Uh. That's right." Dammit Lisa, don't lie!

He grinned. "Thought so. I'm glad I caught you before you left. Let's go~!" He took her arm and dragged her along to the lift.

Curse you and your smile, sunbaenim!, thought Lisa who didn't have the heart to wipe off the happiness from his face. She was getting used to see him smile and laugh now.

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