Part 1

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A young male stood alone in the rain. His fuzzy coat slicked wet around his shivering body. He had been standing for hours, unsure of what he was waiting for. He tightly shuts his eyes, trying to regain memory of what had happened before he had awoken, to no avail. Unable to remember a thing, he lets out another sigh, opening his eyes once more. Something felt wrong. Horribly wrong. A feeling of dread had fallen over him as soon as the rain started pouring down on his unconscious body. He couldn't put his finger on it, though. The joyful cries of children can be heard from afar. But they couldn't be the victims of whatever is going to happen. It was such a peaceful town, and no one would ever wound another. Right?

The young man was known as Mark Wright. The infamous detective. He was currently standing on the sidewalk in his hometown. He was never needed here before, yet here he was, on the lookout for a murderer nearby. As stated before, no one would ever wound another in this area, so whoever had killed the citizen must have been a foreigner. The detective narrowed his eyes against the rain, a frown slowly making its way onto his face. Of course, standing around and loathing everyone in the rain wasn't going to get him anywhere. The town wasn't going to save itself, and he specifically came to visit his family. He continued to blink up at the rain until, finally, he turned, about to head home. He came to visit his family, and so he will. The detective made his way towards the looming household. Along the way, he made sure to pause and take a look around the place. It's just been so long since he's been here. The feeling of contentedness began to replace the hollow dread. A small smile made its way onto his face. Of course, he really did miss this place. The detective was finally in front of his home. His mother's home, actually. The smell of a rotting corpse stung him. The dread was back, sudden but quick. He couldn't open the door, his hand was shivering and clenching the doorknob. Something was horribly wrong.


Wright was about to turn the knob, before hearing a gunshot and glass shattering. He almost immediately swung around, his hand jolting toward his pistol. Of course, not many people actually walk around with pistols and weapons, but he was a detective, and he was already on the lookout, so of course, he would have had the gun with him. He quickly loaded the gun, before turning around the corner. He heard the shot come from here. Right behind the house. His heart thumped hard in his chest as he investigated the area. He choked back a yell as he spotted someone turning the corner and running off.

Mark immediately began the chase. He wasn't going to stop until he caught them. Seemed as if they were playing around with their weapon, or they were testing their gun. There was no victim around. Nobody, either. They might not have killed anyone yet. He then immediately froze. The glass shattering. That must mean something.

There was nobody outside.

But they shot someone.

That someone was on the inside of the house.

The house was his mother's.

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