Chapter Three: Worthless Argument

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Hell was unleashed across my bare chest. I screamed bloody murder as an acid seeped into the cuts. My body jerked forward as I blindly tried to escape the pain but a number of hands pulled me back down. A number of what seemed like six restrained me down to what felt like a mattress as I continued to cry out.

"What the Hell was that?" A girl cried over my screams.

"Peroxide!" a boy voice replied. A voice I somewhat recognized.

"You dumb ass! You don't put peroxide on an open wound!"

"Ollie, that's all we've got!" another boy voice called out. The girl angrily groaned.

I felt a cool cloth lightly press against the cuts. My eyes couldn't open but my ears heard all that was around me, which sounded like voices of several muttering people. My voice finally just cracked and I felt like I was gasping for air.

"Hey, take it easy. You're safe here." Ollie calmly stated, addressing to me. The pain began to cease as whoever gently wiped the wounds across my chest. I assumed it was the girl, and that her name was Ollie. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. The hands that held me down eased their grip and eventually pulled away. My body slowly began to feel like it was filled with air. It wasn't really numbness but more of a weightlessness.

"Hey, Ollie!" another voice called out.

I definitely recognize that voice!

"That was no ordinary blade or mugger. The blade? It was an Odinilian energy blade. The guy was from the Obscuro Empire." The familiar voice explained. "I knew from the moment I saw him he was one of" The familiar voice echoed away as I slipped away from reality. My mind went blank and I felt whatever energy I had left flee from my limb body.

Who was that?

I began to feel gravity again after what seemed like hours. My back ached from laying down for a long time. My eyes were still too heavy to open.

"Gah!" A shard pain pinched my chest.

"Sorry." A gentle voice said quietly. "Man! You really took a beating." She stated. I mumbled, not really sure what I wanted to say. I felt another nasty pinch along the cut on my chest. The first thing that came to my mind were stitches. "Okay." Ollie said to herself. "Hey Sid! Can you hold him up for me?"

"Yeah." said the first familiar voice I heard before. I felt him carefully sit me up as Ollie held a cloth over my injuries and began to wrap another across my chest and torso. I honestly didn't remember where exactly I was cut. When she finally finished, I forced my eyes open to see what Ollie looked like.

"Hey! Someone's awake!" She eagerly stated. Ollie's blurred image came to focus. She had brown, wavy hair came to just above she shoulders. Her eyes shined a sky blue. Her face glowed. "How are you feeling?" she asked. My eyes wearily blinked and my jaw seemed clenched. The only noise I could let out was a soft groan.

"Still kinda paralyzed huh?" Ollie playfully asked, cocking her head to the side. Sid behind me gently leaned my body against his so I could lay in a more comfortable position.

"Mm." I managed to make some sort of sound. Sid chuckled behind me. "He's a fighter, alright! His eyes prolly popped out when he saw ya'."

Ollie rolled her eyes. "Your eyes pop out whenever you look at me."

"They do not!" Sid laughed.

"Oh please, you're practically drooling on the guy!" Ollie stated. "Can you nod? If you can, nod if you feel any pain."

I honestly didn't feel anything other than bed ache. I tried to shake my head "no," but it kinda more flopped to the side. Her face lit up.

"Okay, okay!" Ollie seemed surprised to my reaction. "I'm gonna take that as a 'no.' It's a 'no,' right?"

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