Im so weak

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Peter:Its (Y/N) agaist Pyrrha!!!!!

Well even she's my best friend,I ain't giving any chances.Because the only thing I dream off to get stronger so that I can kill him my own hands.

I stood on the stage and I saw Pyrrha but there is something odd about her she was............sad? Her face was a mess and I can tell clearly that she was crying.I don't know why but I guess something personal that I should not ask.

(Y/N):I hope this will be a good match huh Pyrrha.



Pyrrha:shut up (mumbles)

Peter:3....2.....1.....let the match begin!!!

(Y/N):What im sorry but can you repeat that?

Pyrrha:*turns to face you with an angered face* I said SHUT UPPPPP!!!!

As she said that she charged me and tried to attack me but I barely kanage to dodge her.


(Y/N):Wow calm do-(got cut off by Pyrrha trying to slice me)

She tried to slash me a lot and her movements was perfect.She didn't leave any opening.The question is,why is she mad? I never seen her like this.Then,I was lost in thought until I was caught off guard and she manage to cut my right cheek leaving a cut there.I back off for some steps.I need to use sharingan.I use my sharingan and I charged agaist her with my blade.Blades clashing each other and even with my sharingan she still manage to hold me off and even cut my right leg a little bit.So I decide to back off more.Damn she was stronger than me? This is why they said she was a inspiration? A warrior? Tchh sorry but even you are my best friend,im gonna get stronger even if that means hurting you.I rushed her and use shadowclone jutsu and all of my clones rush her.I jump over my shadowclones as she was trying to cut my shadowclones one by one I use fire ball jutsu on her and of course she use telekinesis to control all the nearby metals and create a gigantic sheild.Damn it she's smart.I need to get better.....get better........get STRONGER.I need to burn her.


Then blood gushing out of my eyes as I try to drag my amaterasu towards her but she was too fast.She dodge it anyway.Damn ot this is my limit.My eyes hurts too much.How am I going to kill him if I can't even handle this pain.I jumped up on a mountain behind me.I made the weather changed to lightning.Then,I absorb the lightning to my hand.

Then,I absorb the lightning to my hand

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(Y/N):Begone with the thunder clap.

I drag the lightning dragon to her.Causing it to create a huge crater.She won't fight after that.I got down and walk to her.With the amount of Aura that I have right now,I couldn't do much.I walk to the smoke but suddently,a sheild being thrown to my stomach causing me to back off.Then a lot of metals being controlled and swallow me whole.I use the last bit of my strength and use Almighty push to scatter the metals everywhere.I was now in the worst state but I can't lose to her.I saw that she was also indeed in her worst too.Basicly she was the same condition like me.We slowly walk to each other and give each other the last blow knocking me and her out.The last thing that I heard was from Peter saying that this match is a draw.Nooo it should not be a draw.I should beat her with ease.But no....I lost.....Im weak.....I can't beat him.....Im not strong enough.....Im sorry brother........Im a failure.

Jeez disguising as this guy sure pains me.Needing too deepen my voice and all.Well at least I made him a target especially to that Uchiha.Finally White Fang will fall into my hands.Just you wait Adam.......

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Weiss laying her head on my infirmary bed.I looked to the left and I saw Aiman slept with his back agaist the wall standing.I chuckled at his actions a bit and this cause an ice queen to awake.

Weiss:*slowly opens her eyes* *gasps* you're awake!!!

(Y/N):Yeah.Did I made you worry?

Weiss:*looks away* no you dunce!!! I just sleep here because I had too.

(Y/N):*chuckles* may I know where is Pyrrha?

Weiss:ohhh she's here.*slides  curtain beside me to reveal the bed beside me*

I saw Jaune slept with his head on her bed just like Weiss.Wow he is a really good candidate for Pyrrha.I laughed a little looking at thise two but something inside me felt kind of.....jealous? Well I can't lie seeing the girl that I liked since I was a kid got close with another guy.Well if she's happy,im happy.....kind off.

Weiss:(Y/N) you look sad.

(Y/N):Ohh really *scratches head*.

Weiss:You can tell me you know.For me you're the closest friend I ever been and I hope you felt that too.

(Y/N):Of course I felt that too.You know what im not gonna be a tsunderr and ignore my feelings instead im gonna tell you the truth *inhales* *exhales* I have feelings for Pyrrha since I was a kid and until now I still have the feelings.

Weiss:*looks down* Ohhh you liked her huh.....

(Y/N):You're okay Weiss

Weiss:*looks up to me* ohh yeah im okay don't worry *fakes laugh*

(Y/N):*looks at Pyrrha* well seing Jaune and Pyrrha got close made my heart ache but happy in the same time.Im happy knowing that there is someone that will take care of her when im gone........

Weiss:(Y/N) don't say it like that!!! *starts to cries* please don't talk about death please.....

I guess I should not tell her that im gonna leave and seek more power to avenge my brother.

(Y/N):Im sorry,I promise I won't talk about it again.*pats Weiss's head*

Weiss and I stayed like this for a while until the night comes and Weiss calms down a bit.

(Y/N):You're okay Weiss?

Weiss:Yeah im better now.

(Y/N):Good.You should return to your dorm and get some good night sleep.

Weiss:You're okay? Don't need for me to stay?

(Y/N):Don't worry plus I got him *points to the sleeping Aiman which was still sleeping while standing*

Weiss:*giggles* Ok then,call me if you need anything.

(Y/N):Aye aye Miss.

Then,Weiss leaves me and I wanted to look at some videos at youtube but I got interrupted by a loud smack.I looked at the source and I saw that Aiman fell and about to wake up and this cause me to laugh.

Aiman:Ouch that hurts *rubs his back*

(Y/N):Jeez you're hopeless *chuckles* come here.

Aiman:Yeah *comes to you* what you want?

(Y/N):Can you buy me a (f/d)?
(f/d)=favourite drink

Aimam:Ohhh okay *goes and buys my favourite drink*
Here you go *gives the drink to me*

(Y/N):Thanks man *takes the drink* *drinks it*

Aiman:Hey you mind me sleeping here?

(Y/N):Well knock yourself out but why you don't want to sleep at our dorm?

Aiman:I like to priotize my friend first then my comfort.Plus you can barely walk so its easy for me to help you if I stay here.

(Y/N):You're right,You know,you are a good friend.

Aiman:No prob man.Anyway lets get some sleep.Night bro.

(Y/N):Night man.

And that I let sleep take over me.I can't tell anyone about my plan to seek power.Sorry Aiman but even you,I can't tell........

To be continued

MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND,MY RIVAL AND MY LOVE (Pyrrha X Uchiha Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now