three // you got punked

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"so, is your mommy or daddy here?" brendon asked. dallon felt his heart drop into his stomach as he prayed that emily would say no.

but why would she? he never told her about brendon. she nodded and pointed to dallon.

the two men made eye contact and brendon's jaw dropped. he quickly saw what he was doing and replaced it with a smile. "hey dallon. it's been a while." he said, his voice cracking a little.

"yeah, it really has." dallon replied, putting his hands in his pockets. "so you're a teacher now? that's interesting."

"so you're a dad now? that's interesting." brendon mocked. dallon shook his head and looked down at his shoes.

brendon sighed. "sorry i just-"

dallon shrugged. "it's fine. i really have to go. kind of late to work right now." he chuckled nervously and kneeled down to hug emily. "i love you pumpkin. be good." he swore he could feel brendon's eyes on him as he left, but maybe it was just his conscience still making him feel guilty for not telling brendon the truth.

he got into his car and pulled out his phone. "breezy, i have a problem."


"wait so he's em's teacher?" breezy asked as they ate lunch. dallon nodded. "unfortunately yes."

she shook her head and picked at her salad. "i can't believe it." she said.

"can't believe what?" dallon asked, but soon regretted it after he saw the smirk on her face.

"this is the first time you've been fucked in four years!" breezy replied, her smirk turning into a full-blown smile as she started laughing. dallon groaned and let his head drop into his hands.

she sighed and scooted closer to him. "it's going to be alright, dal. just tell him the truth."

"how am i supposed to tell him the truth? we haven't talked in four years!"

breezy pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes. "dallon, does any part of you still feel the same way about brendon? any part at all?"

"i mean yeah, but it's probably just infatuation with how picture perfect our relationship was. i've been through some shit, bree. i'm probably just looking for something familiar, something comforting."

breezy groaned. "it's a simple yes or no question, dumbass. you're thinking too much! that's why you feel so confused!" she let out a deep breath before she continued, a thing she did to emphasize how tired she was of the conversation. "i'm going to ask you once more, do you still feel the same way as fifteen year old you did about brendon?"

"breezy i really don't know."

breezy groaned. "you better find out soon. i've said it once and i'll day it again: you're too damn hot to be single!"

dallon rolled his eyes and threw a napkin at her. "i'm single because i don't want to introduce a thousand girls and guys to my daughter until i find the right one. i want to meet someone and know they're the one before i let them meet her."

breezy sighed. "you're 25, dallon. most people haven't even thought about settling down yet." she realized what she said and rushed to fix it. "i mean your case is special with jo being a bitch and leaving you guys and all."

"what's your point breezy?"

she smiled. "brendon seems to have his life planned out, you two have history, and he seems to be getting along with emily. that, my dear friend, is daddy material."

"that's what's wrong bree. we have history. history that i fucked up." dallon shook his head and picked at his food. breezy groaned.

"you're such a fucking drama queen. we learn from history, dallon. we learn not to make the same mistakes. this might be your only chance to fix it and you're crying over salad." she rolled her eyes and sighed. "you can't punish yourself for cheating forever, dallon."

dallon chuckled. "watch me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2018 ⏰

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