Chapter 1: Can you hear the sound of hysteria?

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I don't feel any shame, I wont apologize

When there ain't nowhere you can go,

Running away from pain when you've been victimized,

Tales from another broken home...


He laughed at me.

A jeering, metallic sound. The howl of a hyena.

I squirmed on the hard linoleum floor, trying to get up, but the strength I had always known, and knew I'd always have from the cradle to the grave, was gone. Like it was never even there. I felt... vulnerable. When had I ever felt vulnerable? I knew  what was happening. This wasn't my imagination and I'd even dreamt this event  before. But what was wrong? what was different?

It was just like it always was, the sound of thunder out side, the darkness, the locked door that seemed further away than it really was, the agonizing pain in my lower body that was pining me to the ground, the pool of blood spreading out from me, 'his' steely, maniacal glare and shark-like grin...

He bent over me, like he always did in this nightmare, his breath smelling of rotten eggs and rusty metal, the sneering smile all too visable. He raked his claw-like fingers through my matted, bloody mess of curly hair-

what? wrong, wrong, wrong. I didn't have curly hair... i knew who did though...

I froze.

"Wake up, Annie..." his raspy, grating voice whispered close to my ear. My eyes widened.


"Wake up, Santana." My room mate Brittany said impatiently as she headed out the door. Still a little shocked I ran my shaking hands through my hair.


Oh sweet, sweet , Jesus. I was me. This was reality. My 12 year old sister Annie and her head full of dark brown curls were safe in orange county. But the stupid and needless relief still made me want to cry. I stalked off to the bathroom to get ready. I took a quick shower, examining the permanent scars from my rape 3 years ago...

"Could be worse." I told my self, feeling thankful for my unfathomable mental strength. I traced the worst scar on my inner thigh. My negativity and my morbidity cut in though. "Yeah, could be worse if these were on Annie instead." I shuddered. Trying to distract my self I shut off the water, dried off and quickly changed. I wore navy blue skinny jeans, with artful rips and creases, a black tank top on top of a gauzy, white under shirt. the contrast was nice.

I touseled my hair so the fring fell in the left of my kohl-lined eyes. Lastly I wore The necklace my father had given me on my 13th birthday, the year before all hell broke loose. A simple silver chain with a simple silver flat ring on it. in graved in tiny letters was the saying: "Lo que no nos mata nos hace mas fuertes."  A saying I had always followed, and I was glad for knowing it.

I put on my worn, black, leather crop jacket, slung my bag over my shoulder and met Brittany (from earlier), my roomate/BFwBF (Best Friends with Benefits Forever) and my cousin Axel in the car down stairs. Off to our new school. We'd been expelled from the other one...

As I remembered why I smirked. Only in California...

As we pulled up to the God forsaken place, The Middle, by Jimmy Eat World was playing. I unwillingly shut it off and got out of the car. "Lets hurry up and go in, I wanna see how fast we can get expelled again, San." Axel said grinning at  me. I laughed. Brittany squeezed my hand. Clearly annoyed. She'd only gone and gotten her self expelled too, to be with us, sacrificing her 'golden permanent record'. I gave her a small smile and he 3 of us went in.

Pinole Valley High School.

"Home of The Spartans!" The sign read.

You know, I really think it would've had a greater effect if it read "Welcome To Hell." Maybe I'd make a suggestion to the principle? I had an itch to get into trouble, no doubt I'd wind up in her office soon.

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