Chapter 2: She's a Rebel

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Hiya :D

Let me know what you think of this chapter and the last one?

Santana opinions?


Check out Sullen Riot (Intro A/N) from my other works for info on my name inspirations and to see who's playing my characters, if you want. :)

Be nice, I'm new. :3

hahahahaha xD


"Now I dwell on what you remind me of,

A sweet young girl who sacrificed her love,

As for me... i'm blind without a cause,

And now I realized what I have lost."


Billie Joe Armstrong

Jeezu Christie, I was bored.

Jeezu Christie? yeah, I say that. Pretty lame, eh? I mean Jesus. Y'know? I'm about the least holiest guy you could think of but I was down with J.C. Kinda, I guess. Whatever- fuck it.

Mr. Fentris, the history teacher droned on and on about the Industrial revolution or something as I tried to write down lyrics to another song.

 I was bored of course, but it was like I was begging for a change. I hated where I lived, but it wasn't like I was going leave any time soon, right? I was used to it. I didn't want to be. Though I was sick of it. I just wanted a different point of view. Some motivation? Inspiration? Just a change of atmosphere at least...

as I was just about to burst from the effort of thinking of something to write about, the door opened and in walked more inspiration that I'd ever crossed paths with since my time in the cradle, and it would last me till my time in the grave. 

She was Beautiful.

She was tall and slim, a body like an hourglass. Her skin was an unblemished, single toned light tan and her hair was jet black, dead straight and shiny. Cut in these totally punk steps, kinda in the shape of a'V', going down to the middle of her back. The fringe of it falling into her left eye. Her eyes! They were this strange medium sapphire blue color, and lined with thick eye lashes and... was that kohl?

she was a total punk.

My stomach had a sweet pain in it as I saw the girls mouth. No pale chapped lips, no whorish red lip stick either. Just pretty not-too-big-but-not-too-small , rouge/shell pink , natural lips. I wanted to kiss her. Damn you hormones!

The bittersweet feeling in my stomach erupted in a frenzy of metaphorical (thank god) butterflies as she walked to the seat next to me. The way she moved....  God damn. Ever pace was so feline-like. inspiring.

I had gotten what I'd wanted: I had inspiration. done, I was officially inspired. Motivation? check. Consider me motivated. And now I had just about the sexiest... most beautiful change of atmosphere I could have ever asked for.

 Then Fentris butted in.

He cleared his throat, both annoying and annoyed. The girl froze and then seemed to realize "oh right, when your're new you need a big intro..."

"Miss Logan, I presume?" he asked.

Logan turned to him. "yeah, I'm glad you could guess, I thought it wouldn't be so easy since I left my name tag at home." she joked coolly, with a blank expression. She had no regard for authority what so ever.

A punk. My kind of girl...

Some people dared to giggle. Fentris lost his politeness."charming. really... why don't we get this over with, well... introduce you self." he instructed impatiently, gesturing for her to face the class. She turned to us, stepped back a couple of paces to lean on Fentris' desk, hands in her pockets. She chewed the inside of her cheek before saying "I'm Santana Logan." and with a quick flask of her hand as a wave, she looked to Fentris as if to say: can I  go now? I'm dying to be in your class and hear what you have to say... not. 

"And??" Fentris urged.

Santana (god I loved that name) lost her tolerance.

"Oh right!! this is a history class! pardon me," the class giggled, including me. She began to mimic Mr. Fentris, and quite well even though she'd just met him. meh, teachers were predictable.

"Alrighty then, kids! today I'll give you the brief introduction on the topic of History Teachers! and Why Santana Logan is here in the first place!" Ain't that exciting? no? okey-dokey but listen anyway 'cause there's a big old pop-quiz on Tuesday about it, " Everyone was laughing their asses off. Her red neck accent was spot-on.

"Now, Santana's here 'cause she  got expelled 'cause she was black mailing her last history teacher, who was neckin' with the guidance councilor in the principles office! now what does that tell ya about history teachers!"  

She snorted for effect.  The class was in fits. She did a few mock-bows as Fentris started fuming, his face red as a tomato.

"Princples office..." he comanded her through clenched teeth.

she gasped. "Sir! I'm under age!"

We all erupted with laughter again, hooting and whistling. This new girl was a hero among cons, fighting off all the charlatans who posed as saints. Viva La Santana! was all I could say. Fentris glared at her. "Out." he muttered flatly. we stopped laughing.

"Aw, and I was really looking forward to your class. Meh, oh well..." she shrugged nonchalantly and headed out.

I shook my head slighty. I had just found the female me.

I carefully wrote on my note book paper:

"Princess in a school girl's Dream may I please speak with you,

I'm having trouble with control and its all because of you,

I kept on falling down today I thought it was the street,

but then I looked down at my shoes and they were on the wrong feet,

And I find it hard to be myself  (Can you please explain?)

And I do not think that its my health, (You're the one to blame).

You're the one I wish I had,

And now my Girlfriend's getting mad, I (Cannot call this sane... I cannot call this sane)."

 I looked at the paper contently.

I couldn't wait till I saw Santana Logan again...


So what do you think? :D

Is Santana awesome or what?

Billie opinions?



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2012 ⏰

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