Who am I ? ( one direction)

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Hi guys Felicity here, I just wanted to thank you for reading this book and stopping to take time from your day to!!! I'm gonna update tomorrow but i'll try to do at least two chapters a day because i know people get impatient so.... anyways enjoy the book remember  Harry Styles rulessssssss But I think Niall is so much better comment who you think is better:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

**** 2 Days earlier****

"I hate you, I hate you" is all i remember screaming at him before everything went dark.

I mean I knew he was a angry person and sometimes abusive but I loved him but I never thought it would come to this.

**** 2 Days Later****

I woke up.to a very plain white room and a beeping that was coming from behind me to the left. I looked around and saw the 4 boys sleeping around my room. Now that I think of it I'm in the hospital why exactly? Wait who am I? Who are these boys? I examine the first boy he's really skinny and has blonde hair that is all over the place. The next one is a very attractive boy with raven black colored hair that was everywhere. The next one was a boy with brown hair that went everywhere and he was wearing a striped shirt. And he looked pretty tall. Then the fourth and final last one. He was the cutest and hottest one of them all. he had a buzz cut but you could tell his hair was brown. He had muscles on his arms also he was wearing a really tight shirt and you could tell he had abs. Plus he was the tallest one. I noticed he was holding my hand very very tight. I wonder if they know who I am? I try to talk but I can't the words won't come out. I look around and see a red button that said nurse assistance needed(idk if these are real) so I pressed it. Nothing happened at first but I waited about five minutes before the nurse came walking in waking all the four boys as she came to me.She woke the four boys I had been staring at earlier and now they were staring at me. But question is Who am I? The nurse asks if anything is wrong. I nod my head answering her question and pointed to my throat as i try to talk. she explains that I will have to go into therapy for that because my vocal chords were damaged when someone stabbed me in the neck. i motioned for pen and paper. She got me a pen and a lot of paper. I quickly wrote down the questions that were coming to my mind. Who am I ? what happened and how did i get here/ and who are these four boys? I hand her the paper she looks at it and then looks at the one boy who was holding my hand.

"Liam may i speak to you for a moment?" Liam that was his name . He nodded and followed her out into the hallway. Now i was in the room with the three boys and they were staring at me. I'm so confused i can't remember anything about who i am or who they are as a matter of fact! The blonde one spoke up

" Hey izzy, how are you feeling?" he had a irish accent. Wait so my name or nickname is Izzy? Oh well doesn't matter it is at least one step closer to knowing who i was. I motioned for a pen and some paper. The boy with raven colored hairgace me pen and paper. I wrote the same thing as earlier. Who am i?Who are you four boys?How did i get here and is my name or nickname Izzy? I handed the paperback to him . He looked at me then whispered to the other four boys. But before he could reply Liam walked in  I think thats his name. He looked at me with a soft look with concern in his eyes.

" Liam bud, whats going on with her?" the boy with stripes on said

" Well seems here, what happeed 2 days ago caused this. Evidentally that hit to the head made her not remmeber anything about herself or who we are. So the doctor will be in here in a while to check her out . Also she gets to go to my flat tonight to stay.But she starts therapy tomorrow  withe doctor Luna." he said now lookng at me. I looked at him nodding my head.  I just wanted to talk so i could ask my questions. I need answers. What happened two days ago? How did i lose my memory? I looked at the boys who looked at me" Izzy, we love you so much, were sorry this hapened to you! We will help as much as we can to help you remember us and yourself!!" they all said in unison with tears in their eyes. I motioned for pen and paper again .

Waking up with no memory but learning you know one direction!!!Where stories live. Discover now