Dream Date Appears

18 1 2

His name I don't know. He was around my age and very country boy. He was good lucking as if maybe I had seen him or knew it but didn't ever really pay attention. He knocked on the door eagerly awaiting my answer, when I answered  and my parents saw it was a boy my mom and sis wanted to doll me up and they did with a royal blue mini dress with pink legging and flat black shoes. ( of coarse i grabbed my furry feet because why not? if he couldn't accept my furry feet he couldn't really accept me!) I went out the door with him and started to sizzer as we laid down on the porch, he got on top of me and put his arms around me to give me warmth and to let me know it was all okay. I looked and said I'm wearing my furry feet someone will think I'm weird? He replied well only you and I matter what we think and I like them! My heart raced as he went back down and rapped his arms around me it felt so real and right. He told me about his ex girlfriend and i started to feel weird cause i never dated before i never had a boyfriend or anything. He saw the look in my eyes and held my hand, told me that we can take it slow and when he held my hand and whispered that in my ear it felt so real so right!! Next thing i know where running to his car but my furry feet some how fell off the he went back and got them then gave them to me with a smile. He went inside the car and held my hand and he basically told me again we can take our relationship slow and nothing serious just romantically sweet ( the kind of relationship I wanted) and that if i didn't think it would work out we could still be friends. He grabbed my hands again although after that i woke up wishing for me! I decided to write it down because I can't forget i most remember, for it felt so real and right like the kind of sweet relationship I want in real life, who knows maybe he's out there?

Written By: PMPfan13 

Side note this dream was from 2019, and I typed it an saved as draft an never posted so love that for me XD

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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