part 1

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My name is Park y/n . I'm 16 years old. And today is my first day of my new school .I'm excited but nervous at the same time .

ring .ring .ring

y/n : "nooo I want to sleep more"
I stop my alarm and yawned .I lazily
get up from my bed and went to the
bathroom to do my morning routine .
After doing my morning routine I went downstairs to do my breakfast .

y/n:" Good morning Mom and Dad."

D:" Good morning sweet heart" .

M:" Good morning dear ".

y/n:" so what is for breakfast "

M:" Eggs and Bacons "

y/n:" okay "

You quickly sat on the chair and start eating .

M:" So dear today new school"

y/n:" yes"

M: "excited"

y/n:"excited but little bit nervous also".

M:"don't be nervous hope you make friend".

D:"and boyfriend also"

y/n:" Dad no. You know I hate relationships".

Dad:"So you love marriage"

y/n:"oh God no"

D:" hahahaha I'm just joking"

y/n:"BTW Dad can you please drop
me at school"

D:" yes of course why not "

y/n:"OK then let's go"

We both stand from our sits .I give
a tight huge to Mom .


M:"bye have fun"

After that I went in the car and we drove off to school.
After 15 minutes .

D:"OK we are here"

y/n:"thank you dad "

D:"welcome sweetheart"


D:" bye hope you enjoy"

I get out from the car and went in
the school I were walking in the
corridor . I was looking for office when someone tap my shoulder .I
look behind and saw a beautiful girl
smiling at me.

??:"are you new here"


??:" your looking for office"

y/n:" yeah"

??:"oh come with me I'll take you to the office"

She started to walk and I follow her .

??:"so what is your name

y/n:"y/n .I'm park y/n.

??:" nice to meet you y/n .I'm Rose .

y/n:"nice to meet you too Rose.

R :" OK we are here. I'll wait for you here


I went in take my schedule after that
I came out and find Rose waiting for me

R:" oh your here. Show me your schedule"

You give you schedule to her

R:" yes we are in same class"


R:" let's go to class"

After our first few classes it was break time now .I bought coffee and was checking the cafeteria...I was zoned out and suddenly bumped into someone..
Anddddd my coffee has spoiled his shirt and then I looked at him he was very handsome.tall boy .

Y/n: I'm sorry.


And he stare at me and then just okayyyy.   strange.

Then rose came to me with our lunch and after lunch we went to take our class...
We both started to walk. We talk about usual stuff and we also exchange numbers. We get to know each other . She doesn't have any friend when I was not in this school
but now she has me and I have her.
now we were in front of the class .

R:" don't be nervous and come in the class when the teacher tell you okay .

y/n:" hmmm"

She went in after 2 minutes teacher tell me to come in and introduce my self .I went in and started to introduce myself .

y/n:" hello I'm Park y/n . Hope we will get along well" .

T:" y/n you can sit besides Rose .

I look at rose and give her a "yes" look
I went there and sits besides her . I can hear girls and boys talking about me .
One of the boy said

Boy1: she's cute.

Boy2: sit with me babe....

Stupid boys ....
Then in the middle of the lecture door burst open and there comes ..... the boy on whom I spilled coffee .well now his uniform is clean ...then teacher asked him

T: where were you Jeon Jungkook...your late....

He then out of nowhere looked directly in my eyes ...oh noooo....but he was expressionless and said nothing... and came towards me....
OH HOLY COWS IM DEAD .....IM DEAD ....IM DEAD but he walked past me and sat behind me I was a bit releaved....

After the class was over every one left and I was the last one Ross left because her driver came...when I was about to leave some one hold my wrist.....

I hope you all like it.

Its my first story..

Share your ideas ..

OK bye.....

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