Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

He toke in that moment, where he did revert to his human self, he never felt like this ever in his life, he knew what had to be done. He returned to his apartment to wait out the right opportunity to do what he needs to do.

The night past and Len was continuing to live out what his life has been before the female immortal came along and changed his life forever. it was morning, he made out that he had to leave early to go to gym, it was his girlfriends day off and she wanted to join but he with out realising it made her feel its best to sleep in on her day off. Because he wanted to turn his brother, alone with out any distractions. As he made it to the gym, it was not just his brother there but Samson and Solo, Lukas and Paulie were either gonna be late or not gonna turn up for their gym session.

They walked in together, they all went to their stations, len went on the same equipment as his brother just waiting for the right time to turn him. Through out the workout they were chatting and fooling around making each other laugh, as they were about to leave, Len had made the others leave, John had no idea he thought they were still there, he had not notice Len changed, for when John finds out would frighten him. Every time John went to look Len would appear getting closer to him, John was started to pick up on what he thought might be possibly be happening, he was wondering were Len had gone.

He started wondering where Len disppeared to, he never sore Len until it was to late, Len grabbed John and forced fed him, John struggled but could not help but to swallow Lens immortal blood, Len did not let John ask what was going on cause he had snapt Johns neck.

While he waited for John to wake, he reverted to his human form so any human was to look over, all they would see is him supporting his brother in a workout exercise.

Moments had past and Johns neck had snaps back into place, Len watched his brother wake up, he looked at him very curiously, John opens his eyes wondering why he was lying on the floor and len was just starring at him.

"Hey Len what... what happen?"

He groaned as he got up and before Len could speak John spoke again.

"why does my neck feel so sore? i dont recall going on any equipment that could of possibly cause this pain."

Len just smiled, and was not sugar coating in whats happening, he knew John must know what is going on, but also knew John would not speak a word of it unless him and len were alone.

"Thats easy i snapt your neck..."

John looked at his brother like what?

" Yea by 10AM tomorrow you will be like me, an immortal, you will over 24 hours have more knowledge than you can believe. How your feeling?"

Len sounded very pleased and happy, John looked at Len, annoyed and confused, but he did feel incredible it had distracted him for a few minutes, he grabbed some dum bells heavier than what he would normally go for, as his arms went up and down, he could see in the mirrors his muscles in his arms flexing, as he was he heard Lenny speak again.

" Come on John, we must get going, we must act as nothing has changed, the others and those we meet must not know what we are. "

As they left the gym, John kept thinking of what Len had said, he knew he had to see his girl before a meeting with Sony Music, Len followed to enshore John would not stuff it up.

John had gotten into his car, he texted her saying to meet her at Bondi beach, at the spot they had always gone to and once he had done that he toke off heading to the beach, as he knew it would take some time and in that time something was happening that did not happen to Len and even Len could sense that Johns transition was moving twice as fast so by the afternoon, because it may only been 45 minutes since he woke up after having his neck snapt, he was having alot more knowledge flooding in it was making him feel a little light headed, and with Lens help keeping the car straight and stopping John from getting into any accidents.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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