The Starting of The Wedding planing

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Gerard woke up at 6:00 to go to work...

Sunni calls her Best Friend Bailey and tells her every thing about her date and how shes getting married and she want Bailey to be her made of honour... So bailey goes to her house
(Sunni and Gerard live in a apartment..)

Bailey: Open the door asshole.;)
Sunni: hold on, bitch.;)
Bailey: Were gonna first get you showerd and dressed.
Sunni: alright ill be 10mins

*20 minutes later*

Sunni was just putting her hair up in a fancy way and putting on her makeup.

Sunni: oh shit i forgot you were here. XP

Bailey: okay um we are gonna pick out your colours for you wedding..
Sunni: alright, that will be easy... PURPLE AND BLUE❤️
Bailey:Iknew it!
Sunni: Brb ima call someone to help us..

Sunni call her good friend Erica and she talks about how she needs help preparing for her wedding. Erica agreed to helping. So Erica came over to help.she brought magazines of wedding shit and more..

Sunni: Bailey you look through these magazines for purple or Blue flowers.
Erica you look through these magazines for brides maids dresses. AND I will look at wedding dresses

Erica: Alrighty then ill get too it.
Bailey: God your a needy child...
Sunni: bitch idc.xD

1hour later sunni found a dress she really liked. it was alitte bit puffy at the bottom and it was like feathers but it was actually lace and it was a little bit long and the top was just beautiful it had gems all over it, strapless dress wedding dress.

Both erica and bailey say:OMFG SHOW US!
*shows em'*
Both say: Omfg We love it!
sunni: i might get fitted for it, but i gota make an appointment for it a month before the wedding.. And i gotta make a date for the wedding but me and Gerard will make a agreement on the date..

After 7 hours of looking through all the magazines..Gerard comes home, Greets sunni's friends and he goes straight to bed..

Sunni: hey, Bailey and Erica it like 1:00 am and im tired. just leave the mess here ill clean it tomorrow. so yeah thanks for coming over.:) love youss.

Erica: yeah No problem. and love you to.:)
Bailey: yeah bae, and love you too you pineapple.;)

Sunni's friends leave and sunni gets changed and jump into bed with gerard.
Sunni: how was work
Gerard:Great, how was your day beautiful. (he said it in a sleepy sexy voice)
sunni: it was Amazing. I found a wedding dress that i love and a more.. the dress is beautiful.. im so glad im engaged to you. I love you. and GoodNight.
Gerard: i love you to babe. Good night *kisses her*

My nose bled twice writing this...FFS..😆 anyways enjoy this crapp and stay tuned for the next chapter..😆

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