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Rowoon P.O.V

I left her with Jaeyoon. I hope he won't do anything dumb. But I need to hunt. Since I was searching for her I couldn't drink anything. It was so exhausting.

I'm in a club and hundreds of people are here. Where is my next victim?

How I can kill people without regret?

Because I'm a monster.

And monsters don't have feelings of regret.

Why I don't want to kill her?

Because she's the only girl in the world, whose blood I can't smell.

I can smell her scent and everything, but I can't smell her blood.

Fascinating, isn't it?

I researched a lot and discovered that every monster has such a partner. But the most don't find them. So I'm a lucky one.

The partner is the only connection to the world of humans. Most of us don't want to have a connection to them. They hunted us and tried to kill us.

It's understandable that they want to kill us. We kill them to survive and they kill us to survive. An unstoppable circulation.

But humans are dumb and easy to trick. We don't feel pain and basically we could burn alive, but it doesn't bother us. It makes us furious.

If we don't see another way, we leave our body and let our body die. We will look for another body and occupy it. We kill the other soul and continue to live our immortal life.

Normally we have one body for our whole life. The body we were born in.

Yes, we were all born as humans. We turn into a monster if we get infected by another.

I was infected by my best friend Jaeyoon. He didn't want to be alone, so he turned Chani and me. Chani is the youngest out of us three.

The charm of our human life gets reinforced with the transformation, so everyone has his own way to approach their victims.

My charm is my appearance. Nobody can resist it.

I see a girl alone on the bar. I was getting close to her and was about to say something until I heard something in my head.

Rowoon? Where are you? Help me.

God damn that's (Y/N)! What did Jaeyoon do? I can't leave him alone for one second and he wants to be the oldest of us.

The girl smiled at my sight but I just rolled my eyes and got out of the club.

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