Chapter 20...Spending Time Together...

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Zak and Christa had just finished cleaning up from lunch when Meredith and Hayley came over.

Running to Zak with her arms open and with Gracie on her heels, Hayley yelled happily "Uncle Zak!"

Wrapping his arms around his niece for a hug, Zak kissed Hayley on the head, saying "Hi, sweetie. I missed you!"

Smiling at Zak, Hayley said "Missed you too, Uncle Zak. Where's Carson and Savannah?"

"Upstairs with Grandma." replied Zak.

Sitting down at the kitchen table, dressed in a black and white women's business suit, Meredith said "Hayley, what don't you go and see if Grandma needs any help getting Carson and Savannah ready."

With an "Okay, Mom", Hayley ran upstairs to the nursery with Gracie chasing after her.

Smiling, Meredith looked at Zak and said "It's good to see you home, brother. Thought you weren't coming home for another couple of days?"

Smiling as he sat across Meredith, Zak said "Thanks. We got done early so we came home early. I wanted it to be a surprise."

Looking at Christa, who was leaning on the kitchen counter drinking a glass of water, Meredith asked "Did he surprise you?"

Smiling, Christa nodded as she said "He did."

Meredith smiled as Christa put her glass down and went to sit on Zak's lap.

Looking back at Zak, Meredith said "I'm really glad you found Christa, Zak."

Looking at his sister, Zak said "You are?"

"Yeah, I am. She really grounded you." said Meredith.

Zak smiled as he tightened his grip around Christa's waist. Looking up at Christa, Zak said "Well, I'm glad I have her in my life."

Christa began blushing as she said "You guys know that I'm here, right?"

Meredith started laughing as Zak smiled and kissed Christa on the cheek.

Just then, Jeanne called out "Meredith! Come here and help me with the twins!"

Meredith, Zak and Christa went to meet Jeanne in the hall. Hayley was carrying the diaper bag and Jeanne had Carson and Savannah in their car seats.

Zak grabbed Savannah while Meredith took Carson.

Jeanne wrapped Christa into a hug and while hugging Christa, Jeanne said "Don't worry, Chrissy. We'll take good care of Carson and Savannah. We'll bring them home in 2 days. You and Zak just enjoy each other, okay, sweetie?"

Christa smiled as she hugged Jeanne back. "Don't worry, Mom, we will. Call us if anything and let me kiss my babies before you guys go." said Christa.

Zak and Christa helped Meredith and Jeanne get Carson and Savannah settled into Jeanne's car. Hayley would ride with Jeanne while Meredith followed in her car.


As Zak shut the front door behind him, he asked "So, what do you feel like doing since we have some alone time, Chris?"

Crossing her arms as she face Zak, Christa said smiling "Oh, I don't know. Maybe I'll go and take a nice, long hot bath. And then, maybe go watch some TV afterwards."

"You're pretty funny, huh?" said Zak as he walked over to Christa.

Laughing, Christa said "Yeah, I am actually."

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