27. Babies, Findings and Answers

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Phoenix was taking a stroll outside the Iron Fortress. It wasn't the best thing to do, all he wanted was to be away from home for a little while. Today was the last day. The last day he had to think about his answer. Cormac would stop by today and things will take off from there. Whether it be to a great future or a bitter end.

Will he face the same fate as his father? Phoenix looked around at Seridina as if it was the first. Fillers bound by a shackle. People looking away as if there was nothing happening before their eyes. Others hiding their hearts in the darkness so they could live a good life without lacking anything of sorts.

They weren't living no matter how much they convinced themselves. To truly live, they had to face their fears, even if that meant having to live in the Iron Fortress. Siobhan words played in his mind. She was happy. It was funny, it was funny how the place that was meant to bring about sadnesses brought them happiness. Phoenix knew, he's met his happiness in the form of a great boy that happened to be the prince.

The real sadness was in Seridina. He saw more scowls and look of disgust rather than cheerful smiles. Dark clouds hovered overhead, blocking the light that needed to shine in their hearts. It was depicting for his heart. He's hurt the people he cared the most about. Seeing Rebel look at him with such hatefully eyes and Rocco unable to look at him. Mae crying along with Siobhan.

He's been staying at the book house as he said he would. Rebel needed to come to terms with the truth along with Rocco. And Phoenix needed to tell himself that his intentions weren't bad. "Watch where you're going you filthy brat." A man cursed as he bumped into Phoenix, almost sending him face first to the floor.

He stopped himself, watching everyone. Someone came and stood before him. Phoenix looked away from a man dragging along his filler, the girl was visibly hurting and it angered Phoenix. It always did. Now he had a chance to change it.

"Axton," he said as he looked up at the man. He was the last person he expected to see. Now that Axton was here, he could tell him what he needed and be done with him. "I can't say I'm happy to see you."

"I missed you and this is what I get." he said. Phoenix rolled his eyes, irritated by his words. He would usually go along with his wits. "You've been missing for sometime."

"The deal is off." Phoenix said. Axton wasn't visibly surprised by his actions. "I don't care what you want to do next. I have no intention of doing what we've been doing. I'm only here to tell you what you wanted." 

Axton reached out and ran his hand along Phoenix's head. It didn't feel the same as when Cormac did. He shook away from the touch. " I've only been using you the same way you've been using me." he admitted, smirking at Phoenix. "Have you decided that what you're doing is fruitless. Have you come to your senses dear Phoenix?."

"It pains me to admit it to you but yes." Phoenix responded honestly. "I haven't given up though. I'll approach differently from now on." He looked towards the castle. A place he had always looked at with much hate. Now the person he loved resides inside. His eyes was filled with longing, awaiting his arrival.

"That's something I've admired about you. You never known when to give up." Axton complimented. He followed Phoenix gaze which was fixated on the castle. Axton found it odd, the look in his eyes was something he's never seen since he's known the boy.

Phoenix reached for his pendant. It was the first he wore it out. He needed something that assured him during the things that were happening. "I miss him", he thought. "I'll bring about the life you wanted for everyone dad." It was the first he thought about his parents so deeply. He got to know them a little from Stella and that made him feel closer to them.

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