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Jin's P.O.V.
"AHHH Joonie I'm SOOO excited!" I shouted excitedly. "I know baby, me too!" He said sweetly as he put an arm around me, keeping one hand on the wheel. We were on our way driving to the adoption center. We called a few days ago letting them know we were interested in adopting a boy around the age of thirteen to fifteen. We're not ready for a baby. I was so excited though. I've always wanted to be a parent.

"Ok babe, we're here." Namjoon said sweetly pulling into a parking lot of a big building. He opened my car door and lead me out, holding my hand. I put my head on his chest while his arm was around me, waking inside. "Hi there." A young lady said at the front desk. "Hi, we have a scheduled visit under the name Kim." Namjoon said. The lady went on her computer and typed something in. "Ah yes, Mr. Kim. Your interested in adopting a boy at the age of thirteen, fourteen, or fifteen?" She asked reading off the computer screen. Namjoon nodded with a smile and then smiled down at me. I held his arm and nestled my head into his chest. "Ok, someone will be with you in a minute." The lady said with a smile.

Namjoon and I sat on the couch in the waiting room. "So, how are you feeling." He asked with a smile. "Happy." I said smiling back and rested my head on his shoulder. I was so ready to be a parent. A few minutes later a blonde lady walked into the room with a clipboard and a pen, with a binder held under her. "Hello there, Mr. and Mr. Kim." She said as she greeted us. "Hi. You can call me Namjoon, and this is my husband Jin." Namjoon said said getting up to shake her hand. I shook her hand as well. "Nice to meet you." I said with a smile. "You guys are a lovely couple! I know already whoever the lucky kid is going home with you is in good hands!" She said. "Aww thank you!" I said, gawking at the compliment. "Ok, follow me." She said, leading us inside the elevator.

She went over the things she had written down as we went from floor one to eight. "We have 42 boys between the age of 13, 14, and 15. I can bring you to one of our offices and you guys can go over their information and see who you would like to meet. If you would like to discuss amongst yourselves about their files and information or with me if you have questions or would like further input." She finished up as the elevator dinged and we were now at the eighth floor. "Thank you very much, and correct me if I'm wrong but, weren't there 44 boys within that age group? I thought that's what the receptionist said when we called before." Namjoon asked while we were walking out of the elevator, following behind her. "Well, fortunately one got adopted two days ago. The other one...well we usually put him on a list for people who look for children with special needs or problems. He tends to go in and out of this very childish state, and can be very needy at times. He's not ideal for couples that are looking for older kids to adopt." She said, guiding us down a big hallway of offices and storage rooms. "Well, I think everyone deserves a fair chance. Mind if we can see him first?" I asked as the lady brought us into a room. She looked shocked when I asked. "Ummm...sure! *she perked up a little* Here's his file, I'll get him ready for you." She said handing us papers from her binder. "Thank you!" I said as she left the room.

"What do you think she means by needy and-" Namjoon started to worry a bit. "Joonie, hunny, trust me! I love you and we will only have a child who will fit into our family. We want to complete our family and want one of these kids to go home to a permanent home for once. We can handle whatever happens as long as we handle it together." I said looking into his eyes. "I hope you know how fucking much I love you!" He said as he pulled me into a kiss. We pulled away and I giggled with my face blushing. "Okay, okay! Let's get into this."

We shuffled through the papers. "Park Jimin, age fourteen. Hmm...it says here that a few years ago, when he was only 9, his parents hid his toys around a park one day. They told him to go look for them and while he was busy finding them they went in their car and left, abandoning him there all alone. Almost two days later, he was found sleeping on a bench with his stuffed bunny, waiting for his parents to come back." Namjoon finished the story as I looked up at him with big worried eyes. "Joonie..." I started, but he spoke before me. "I know baby, but let's meet him first. Ok?" He said as I nodded. I looked at the next page, finding a picture of him. "AWWWW JOON!!!" I shrieked. He had the biggest glistening smile with cute blonde hair. His smile made his eyes turn into crescent moons and he had the cutest nose! "Awwwww! Try not to fall in love too much!" Namjoon chuckled. I put my hands over my heart, gawking at the child.

There was a noise at the door and me and Namjoon turned. The lady came in with Jimin following behind her. "Ok, now give me that." She said, snatching Jimin's stuffed dog away. "Noooo!" He protested, reaching out with grabby hands. I frowned. He could have his toy if he wanted! "Boys your age don't need these things. Now greet Mr. and Mr. Kim. Would you two like me here or no?" The lady asked us with a slight grin. "We'll be fine." Namjoon said as the lady nodded, threw the stuffed dog in the trash and left the room. Jimin looked over at the trash can and frowned as his eyes got watery, but then forced himself to look back at us. "H-hi Mr. a-and Mr.Kim." He said with tears welling up in his eyes. Namjoon immediately got up and went to the trash can. He took out the stuffed dog and brushed it off. "Here! He's ok! Now wipe those tears off." Namjoon said as he ruffled his hair and handed him his toy. Jimin's face lit up. "MR. SNUGGLES!!!" He shouted, grabbing the dog and holding it tightly. He then hugged Namjoon as my heart clenched at the sight. It was SO cute! Jimin wasn't very tall and his head was only up to Namjoon's torso. "THANK YOUUUU!" He shouted as he squeezed Namjoon tightly. "No problem little guy!" Namjoon said and patted his back.

Namjoon walked over to the four chairs and sat next to me. Jimin sat in one across from us. "Hi!" He said to me as he held the dog tightly. "Hi Jimin! I'm Seokjin." I got up to shake his hand but he immediately hugged me instead. "Hi Seokjin-hyung!" He said. He pulled away and plopped back down on the chair. "So Jimin, tell us about yourself." Namjoon said. "Well...I really like my toys, and I try to have fun and take adventures here...but there's not much to do." Jimin said with a frown at the end. "I can be very energetic, but I get worn out quickly. I like to relax though too or snuggle up and watch a movie. I really like movies too. I've only seen three or four, but I'd like to see more!"  Jimin said with excitement in the end. "Well, you can see plenty of more movies with us, Jimin! We're taking you home." Jin said as Namjoon looked at him and smiled widely. They didn't need to discuss it. There was no way that any other boy they saw that day would beat Jimin. "HYUNGSSS!!!!!!" Jimin screamed as he got up to hug Jin. Jin patted his back and started to hear whimpers. "What's wrong?" He pulled away crying Jimin. "I-I thought th-that I would n-never get out of here. All I ever w-wanted was a h-home." He said wiping his tears away. Jin's heart melted right there. Namjoon came up behind him and lifted Jimin up into the air above him. "Well...now you got one!" Namjoon said with a big smile. Jimin reached out and rapped his arms around his neck and buried his face in the side of his neck.

Jimin was still slightly crying in Namjoon's arms but Jin came over to rub his back and sooth him. Soon Jimin fell asleep on Namjoon. "He's the cutest!" Jin whispered. "I know baby." Namjoon whispered back. Namjoon sat down with Jimin fast asleep in his lap as Jin went to tell the lady that they had chosen Jimin. Jin came back a few minutes later as the lady followed behind him. "Awww! You guys are going to be such a happy family!"  The lady exclaimed and Namjoon smiled.  "Well...*she looked at her clipboard* it looks like you guys filled out everything online and you are very eligible parents. Everything has been confirmed, but we just need to put into our computers that you guys are now Jimin's official parents! There's a paper you guys do need to sign, saying that you agree to all the responsibilities of being a parent and can financially support proper education, basic health care, clothes, food, his own bed, and of course lots of love, care, and attention. Someone will be scheduled to come to your house in a week, and then a month after that, then 6 months after that, then once a year until he's eighteen just to make sure everything is going smoothly." The lady finished as she handed them a paper. "Sign here and I'll fetch his things." She pointed to the space below that said 'signature' and then left the room. Namjoon leaned over to kiss Jin on the cheek. "Love you too!" Jin said laughing as he was looking over the paper.

About 15 minutes later, the lady came back into the room. "Ok! Any last questions?" She asked the couple. Jin looked back at Namjoon who shook his head. "No, but thank you for all your help!" Jin said. "No problem! His things are down by the front door in a black suitcase and we can email you a copy of all the documents." She said as she started to walk them out. "Thank you." Namjoon said as he carried the boy to the elevator and then to the car.

Jin put the single suitcase in the trunk as Namjoon settled Jimin in back seat and put his seatbelt on. Jimin started to rub his eyes sleepily and then looked around. "Are we going home now?" Jimin asked. "Yeah Jiminie! Now close your eyes. It's getting later and we have a long ride home!" Jimin nodded and shut his eyes again. Namjoon got into the front seat and drove them home.

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