The Art of Giving Back - One Shot

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                If you know Byun Baekhyun, then you know that the one thing he isn´t good at is at being bored. In fact, when Baekhyun is bored, he technically becomes the definition of the so-called “not-being-good-at”. He turns into a combination of a clumsily-fidgety mess that questions the existence of both animate and inanimate objects whilst flipping his apartment upside down in search of things he isn´t quite sure he owns. Baekhyun feels legitimately trapped inside the massively modern apartment his mother gave to him when he moved to Seoul right before he started his university. After realizing he utterly hates the texture of bar deodorants, there being nothing to watch on the TV, and giving up his quest of imaginary Lost-and-Found objects, Baekhyun decides to go out for a walk before he bursts out sobbing due to the enclosure.

                It wasn´t a beautiful day. Clouds covered the sun, (Baekhyun was thankful for that, he never really enjoyed the sun anyway) birds weren´t singing, the cold wind seemed to be lost, for it was blowing in every single direction, children´s laughter wasn´t heard anywhere; (another thing Baekhyun was thankful about) and the world was as dull as ever. Baekhyun wasn´t a bitter boy, not quite. He was just a very hard individual to please. He was taught since little to find joy in nothing and no one but himself, and that, Baekhyun admitted, was something near to impossible. Baekhyun hugged himself in a failed attempt of getting warmer as he made his way to nearest park around. It was a very cold day, which probably explained the lack of people around.

Just like the weather forecasts had predicted, he thought as he made his way to a bench located underneath an Elm tree.

                Baekhyun sat on the cold, hard bench and sighed deeply as he closed his eyes. This was one of those days. Those days where he would wake up with the best attitude achievable but the world just seemed to conspire against him in order to make him feel absolutely miserable. Those days where he just wanted to set the whole damned city on fire and probably consider jumping to the flames as well. He could feel himself growing angry and anxious so he tried to focus on one of the things he was good at (well, most of the times). Breathing. Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat. Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat. He suddenly felt the bench´s weight shifting, and he knew someone had sat beside him.

The park is empty. He thought. Of all the places this stranger could´ve chosen to sit…

Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat. Breathe in. Brea-


Baekhyun chose to ignore the male stranger. He noted the stranger had a deep voice and that definitely didn´t aid his growing anxiety one bit. In the blink of an eye, his mind began to formulate different scenarios in which he was either strangled, beheaded, stabbed, shot, or just plain murdered by a grown man who probably wanted to take something from him like a bully steals their victim´s money during lunch time. His respiration began to complicate and therefore quicken. The stranger seemed to take notice of that.

“Uh, are you okay?”

At the lack of response the stranger began to shift uncomfortably, something that annoyed Baekhyun in massive scales. Baekhyun then realized that the stranger must´ve thought that he was asleep, for he shook Baekhyun´s shoulder. When the stranger´s hands came in contact with Baekhyun´s shoulder some sort of unexpected energy oozed throughout the latter´s arm.

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