Finding My Future • Chapter 1: One Day Left of Freedom

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Chapter 1: One day left of freedom

I sat in my room on the couch. I couldn't think straight. School started again tomorrow. I hadn't been around that many humans in three months and I wasn't sure how I was going to cope. To try and get my mind off of things I went down stairs. I found all my siblings in the living room. Emmet and Jasper were just finishing off a race on the Wii. Jasper of cause winning and Emmet once again annoyed that we was coming second by a long way. I sat down on the black leather sofa. 

Alice was cheering on Jasper while Rosalie looked bored at watching her husband playing yet another electronic game.

What is so special about it anyway? It's just a game? 

Rosalie thought. I smiled. I did agree with her in a way but I had to admit I did love to play. Just not continuously and on the same game for hours on end.

"Ok that's it Em. I win fair and square." announced Jasper. Alice squealed at her partners triumph. 

"Best 9 out of 10" asked Emmet. 

"No. I am tired of playing you and then you getting all annoyed that you didn't win" Jasper explained. 

"Oh pleeeeease" whined Emmet. I just rolled my eyes. 

"No Emmet." Alice said sternly. He wasn't going to ague with her. No one ever wins against the pixie. I chuckled and they both gave me a death glare. 

"Now me and my winner are going. I want to congratulate him on beating you 7 days in a row." Alice chimed.

Time for some you and me time Jasper. I can't wait until I win you.

"Really Alice?" I said disgusted. "I don't like to know what you guys are going to get up to. Could you at least keep your mind clear until your alone?" I asked.  

"Since when did I give you the permission to read my loving thoughts of my husband Eddie?" she snapped back. I didn't have an answer and sat there in silence. "Thats what I thought" she replied to my silence. I growled slightly under my breath. 

Her and Jasper skipped off and I heard them shut the door to their room.

"Stupid pixie of a sister" I grumbled. I heard that. Alice shouted at me through her mind. I quickly came out of her head before I regretted it. 

"Want to play Eddie?" Emmet asked and pulled a pleasing face. I hated to be called Eddie. 

"Not really Em" he whined which got on mu nerves so I have in but only said that I would play one game. 

"Fine. Ok I am bowser and you can be Mario" 

I nodded my head and we started. I was in fourth place while Emmet was in second. I soon caught up to him and we were racing for first place. Me hot on his heels. I looked over and saw how excited he was. I slowed down my car.

Your letting him win aren't you? Thought Rosalie. I nodded and smiled sheepishly at her. Thank you! She thought again and I smiled and then put my eyes back on the game. Emmet crossed the finish line with me coming in third as someone took over me at the last minute.

"Ok one more game" Emmet spoke as I was about to get up from sitting on the floor. 

"No thanks Emmet" I said but he wasn't going to give up. 

"Ok then. Let's bet. If I win then you have to go out shopping with Alice and let her dress you however she likes. And you can't moan what so ever." I grunted and at that point Alice and Jasper joined us again in the living room. 

"Ooo I like the sound of that one Em" Alice chirped up. I saw her having a moment and we both saw me in a shopping mall. I was carrying at least 10 bags and had a painful smile on my face. I would not let that happen. 

"Ok Emmet but if I win then you have to go to school and wear a bright pink poodle top, a blue denim skirt and silver pink for three days." We all burst out laughing. Well everyone but Emmet.

"Your on Eddie boy. Let's race" he smirked. And the race began. He chose the hardest level with the hardest track. I was so going to win this. No harm to Alice but I couldn't go around shopping with her for a whole day. I might end up exploding with the whole experience. But to see Emmet in a six year olds outfit would bring me such joy and pleasure. And of cause to the rest of us. Even Rosalie probably.

We were racing at top speed. I was coming first and Emmet was at second place. His character wasn't as fast as mine. That was just luck though. Suddenly I was hit with something and Mario shot up into the air and did a double flip. 

"haha. Take that Ed" I growled. Oh no he doesn't. I was going to win this.

As I got closer to the finish line I wizard past Emmet and won the race. 

"NOOOOO" cried Emmet and slammed down the controller making a loud crash and a crack all down the side of it. Esme walked in shocked. 

"What on earth is going on in here" she asked annoyed about the big bang that Emmet had made. 

We all burst into histerics and we're practically rolling on the floor with laughter. Emmet folded his arms and sat on the soda next to Rosalie, who too was laughing. 

"Well?" Esme questioned. It was Alice who managed to pull herself together and tell Esme what was going on. 

"Emmet and Edward bet on who would win a race on the Wii. If Emmet was to win the Edward would have to have a day shopping with me without moaning or complaining. But if Edward won then Emmet would have to dress as a six year old girl and go to school in her outfit." Esme let out a giggle. We were soon joined by a chuckling Carlisle. 

I laughed until my stomach hurt. Emmet stormed of with Rosalie following behind. "It's not funny Rose" Emmet explain and Rosalie soon stopped her laughing and tried to calm Emmet down.

The rest of us soon stopped our laughter and sat quietly on the sofas in our wide living room. I sat on the sofa by myself while Alice and Jasper sat on the love seat and Carlisle and Esme sat on the other sofa.

The night went slowly. I was thinking about school tomorrow and what it would be like. I was deep in thought until Alice went into vision mode. She blocked it from me. Why would she do that. I tried to get in her mind but she was to strong and I couldn't see what she was seeing. 

"Alice! Why did you block me?" I asked annoyed. 

"Sorry Edward it's a surprise. You can't know." 

"Alice what did you see. Please tell me." begged Jasper.  

"She is finally here." was all Alice said.


Thank you so much for reading I hope hat you liked it. Please comment, vote and fan. I would love to know what you think of it.  

Holly :) xx

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