Chapter Five

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As Rose walked down stairs along with Jon, she noticed the metal table where Wolfe was sitting at. Of course, she blocked out the whistles and eyes observing her and her strut. She sat down, wearing her black mask and same black suit.
"Well covered, I see." Wolfe remarked, "With those curves I'd like to show off a bit."
"I'd like to see your disgusting head in the palms of my hands." Rose murmered under her breath. Jon gave her a glare.
"Why doesn't she ever remove her mask, Mr. Cordail? It is boiling hot in here." Wolfe asked Jon. Jon looked at her and smirked.
"I'm not sure, actually. Maybe to keep people guessing how ugly she is under there." That bastard, Rose thought. Luckily, before Rose reached for Jon's throat, the maid came and set down a chicken on a silver platter, fish, and water. Rose was parched, it really was hot.
"Now, business. The slaves have been moved back another three days, I truly am sorry for this set back." Wolfe said. "This should give you two plenty of time to tour my city."
"What about Robyn? Does he know about this?" Jon asked. Seeming to be worried, but Rose knew it was an act.
"I have sent a messenger to inform him, he should receive the letter by tomorrow afternoon." Jon whirled his water in his cup, taunting Rose. The dehydration was getting to her. Stay focused Marr, she thought to herself again.
Wolfe looked a Rose, "Not saying much Miss Marr. Too hot?" He gave a evil grin. "Or is your self conscious taking over?" He cocked a brow and turned to Jon, "Have you ever seen her face?"
Jon sat back and relaxed in his chair, peering down at his drink and back at Rose and said, "Once." Rose rolled her eyes under her mask. You're a moron, Cordail, she thought once more.
"Now, are we finished? I think I've discussed all I can." Wolfe confirmed.
Rose stood up, "I believe we are. Good night to you both." And headed for the door out of the tavern. Rose ran to the nearest alley, she closed her eyes and her fists. She punched the wall.
Rose heard something crumble, she looked behind her and to the sides and then up. Nothing. Then, she looked in front of her. The wall had a dent the shape of Rose's fist. Was she really that angered? She felt something pulse through heart beat, two, three. What was that? She asked herself. In a daze of confusion, she started walking towards the tavern and into her room.
              The next morning, Jon woke up before Rose. He looked at her sleeping face and questioned himself, What made this beautiful woman into such a monster? Her eyes opened, squinted and said, "Would you please get out of my face?" He backed away quickly and blushed of embarrassment. "I'd like to get more of my beauty rest. Buzz off, stalker." She said and rolled over.
           "I was plotting my plans of killing you." He smirked. He walked to the room door and went into town. He shoved his hands into his pockets and sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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