Silver Moon Light

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     Mitzi woke up around midnight, gasping for air. Her body was drenched in sweat. " Goddesses what on earth was that dream about ". She mumbles out through her gasps. She could picture it like it was reality. Playing over and over in her mind, like a movie.

*Dream play back*

It was a clear beautiful night, the moon light was shining on her wherecat form a leopard. Her fur was the purest white, almost like the moon light itself. The tips of her fur shined with sliver, practically glittered in the moon light. Oh but that wasn't the strangest part. Her wings where out.. Something she never allowed for the fear of her pack. Her wings where almost angle like golden with silver tips like her fur. Shining so beautifully. It scared her, but excited her at the same time. She never let her wings out, because she knew they where not normal. She knew it would raise questions of her bloodline, questions that might get her mother killed for treason against the alpha.. Even with all the risks she knew her wings where needed tonight. She couldn't say how she knew. She just did. She quickly made her way into the woods wanting to avoid unwanted attention. She ran and ran using her wings to help glide her gracefully through each step she took. She felt the leafs crunch under her paws, as she ran and pounced the soil beneath her paws. She was free and oh how she loved it. It filled her heart with so much joy. Joy she would never gain when hiding her wings. Suddenly she stop sensing the change in the air. She could still smell the pine and soil, but something was different. It smelt sweeter. So sweet she could almost taste it on her tung. "Damn what is this? I must find it" she thought. She felt drawn to the sweetness. Something about it made her feel utterly safe and profoundly loved. She pointed her head into the air sniffing. After a moment she found the trail, and slowly began following it towards the waterfalls. She followed the trail all the way to the edge of the waterfall. She looked around and found nothing or no one. She huffed slightly disappointed. As she gracefully drank water from the falls, she felt her body turn warm. Very warm like she was dancing in the sunlight with it's rays touching her skin. She let out a small moan, and that's when she heard it! A low growl from behind her. For some reason the growl did not frighten her. No it did the opposite. It excited her!! "Am i going crazy " she thought to her self as she slowly turned to face the beast whom the growl came from. Her eyes widen as she meet his emerald green eyes with flares of swirling red in them. She knew what that look meant. Only someone filled with passion had flares of red in their eyes. She gulped taking in as much of him as she could with her own eyes. He was a leopard just like her. Although he was defiantly bigger in size than herself. She noticed his fur. It was blacker than the shadows of the woods with tips of silver just like her own fur! She had never seen someone like her with silver in their fur.. By now she was more than aware he was examining her as well. Taken in every inch of her leopard with his eyes. She could tell he was admiring her beauty. Her heart threatened to pound out of her chest. Her body filled with an overwhelming blush. "Thank the goddesses I'm in fur " she thought turning her attention back to him. He wasn't completely out of  the woods. Only enough to show he was there. As she looked closer she could've sworn there was shadows moving behind him... Like wings! Unfortunately it was to dark to tell for sure. She moved her eyes back to meet his emerald greens with ocean blue eyes of her own. Before she could think of anything else her body shivered from the breeze .She heard his deep rasping voice mixed with her own softer voice."Mate". They said it in unison. Her heart pounded. Then poof she was sitting up in her bed panting for air.

End Dream *

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