Break Down Doors

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"Life, what have you done?!" Death cried as he ran towards the fallen Guardian, his black robes pooling around him as he knelt next to the fallen body. Get it done quickly, he told himself as he placed his hand over the Guardian's heart. Death quickly severed the soul from the body, then reaped the soul. I'm sorry for reaping you, Death said mentally to the soul. I needed to get it done quick. Hope your rebirth is nice. After a swift prayer, Death stood up and glared at Life so fiercely, it seemed as though his dark eyes, full of rage, drove daggers into her skin.

"What? Are you the only one allowed to kill things, Death?" Life asked, dropping extra emphasis on his name.

"Life, I don't kill things - I just escort the soul into my realm. Even if I did kill, that wouldn't explain why you just killed one of your Guardians!" Death roared, his booming voice echoing off the fine marble walls. "There is a fine balance in this world, and, by killing a Guardian, an immortal that you shouldn't even have, you disrupted it! We aren't supposed to disturb the balance, you know that. But that's exactly what you did!"

"Whatever, Death. Stop being such a nag about it - I've seen you give life to things before," Life spat.

"No, I haven't. I've only given the dying person or animal extra time to finish what they wanted to do in their lifetime. They are only given an hour at tops, then they die. And besides, it's not something I do often. But even me giving extra time to a dying soul doesn't justify you killing someone, especially someone who has been around for this long!" Death spat back. "Hell, you weren't even supposed to have them in the first place - didn't we agree not to give anyone immortality?"

"You have your secrets, I have mine," Life growled. She glanced at his hands, and saw he was still holding his scythe. "Why do you have your toothpick out? Were you planning to reap me?" Life challenged.

Death's eyes narrowed to slits, and he replied, "No, I have my toothpick out as a safety precaution."

Life smiled another mirthless smile as she said, "Oh, I see how it is. I'm dangerous now, am I? If it's a fight you want, Death, it is a fight you shall get."

"Life," Death said slowly, "I don't want to fight you. All I want you to do is regain control of your anger. The way you're acting isn't the way you usually act, Life, and this attitude of yours won't do any good to the balance. Now take deep breaths -"

"Do not talk down to me, Death. I do not have to listen to you - only I tell myself what to do. The way I am acting is no different than how I usually act - you're the one overreacting here! Fight me, Death!" Life yelled as she leaped towards him.

Death sighed heavily in frustration, and holding a hand up, slowed down the time of everything around him but himself and the Guardians. While Life was slowly leaping at him, Death looked towards the Guardians, their eyes wide in shock and fear, and said, "I'm going to be taking Life somewhere far away until she's been... subdued. Until then, you are in charge. Do not let this kingdom fall into pieces, and you must never tell anyone of what has happened today. If someone wishes to speak with Life, tell them that she is busy. Understand?"

The Guardians, still stunned by what they had witnessed, nodded.

Death nodded grimly in return, and turned his attention to Life, who was still moving in slow motion. Gripping her arm, he teleported both of them away to an empty, barren landscape, inhabited by sand and bushes that could barely call themselves twigs. Once he had placed her a safe distance away, he released his grip on time. When the natural pace of time resumed, gravity finished Life's jump and caused her to fall onto her face into a mound of grainy sand. She got back on her feet and dusted off her hands and creamy robes. She took one look at her surroundings and smiled a cold, icy smile.

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