Chapt. 1

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Tristan's POV

   I laid in bed,thinking about Harry.He'd be home in four hours,if not less!Four!I was so excited,I couldnt contain it all.I mean,really.If the love of your life had been away in a different country for five months,you'd want them back to yourself.Not in a selfish way,but in a way where you didn't want your love to get hurt or go off with someone else.

 Since I was too excited to go back to sleep,I decided to get out of bed and play with the tons of clothes,makeup,accesories,and shoes that Harry had brought me two weeks before he left for Milan to film a move with the boys.

 "You can get anything you want,Tristan."He had said.

  I walked into my closet and looked around.There had been at least twenty different outfits I could put together.Endless piles of makeup filled the counter,while bracelets,belts,and neclaces hung over the chairs.

 I had always dreamed of having Harry as my own.Not for the fame and money,but just because he is who he is.He's sweet,funny,passionate,and caring.Although there were many adjectives to describe Harry,I only chose four.He's mine,I'm his,and we're eachothers.I loved the way he was so protective,never letting anyone take advantage of me for a bad reason.I couldn't dream of having any other boy,except the Harry Styles occupy the place of being my boyfriend.Ever.

 I looked at the clock.It was 9:00.Three hours to get ready,and look presentable for Harry.

 I settled on a black button down top,a pair of red skinny jeans,and black flats.So comfortable,yet so stylish.I finished it off with a necklace in a shape of a heart.

  After I did that,I sat down at my peachy-pink vanity table to put a bit of makeup on and style my hair.

  It took me about fifteen minutes to do what I had to do.

  I then went downstairs and cooked myself a small brakfast consisting of  eggs and toast.

  After the twenty minutes of cooking,and the ten minutes of devouring the meal,it was 10:00.

  I heard a loud knock on my door.Not expecting any one this early,unless it was Harry,I asked,"Who is it?".

  No answer.If it was Harry,he could've opened the door himself because he had a house key.My heart began to beat faster,and I began to sweat.Maybe I was just hearing things,but a knock on the door sounded again.

  A unfamiliar man broke through the door and began to walk towards me.

  I quickly ran to get the phone to call 911,but the criminal was quicker,because he blocked me,along with three other men which i didn't see earlier.

  "You won't get away with this!My boyfriend's coming home soon,and he'll beat the crap out of you!"I did my best to defend my self,but failed miserably.

  "Well,your little boyfriend won't know because if you tell anyone,I mean anyone,you're not gonna like it one bit."His face was about a foot away from mine,and I could smell his breath,which had the scent of smoke and alcohol.

 After he said those words,he pulled a bandana from his pocket and began to tie it around my mouth,hindering me from speaking clearly.The other men,then pulled out ropes and began to tie my hands and feet together.

   The still unfamilar man proceeded to take my shirt off and touch me roughly.

 This could not be happening.I was being a victim of a sexual assault,and I had no way to get help.Being a victim of an assault had happened to me before when I was five.I was just outside,drawing on the sidewalk with chalk,and a man about the age of thirty came and picked me up,put me in his car, and began to molest me.I tried to scream,but no noise came out.Have you ever been so scared,that you tried to scream,but it just came out with no sound?Well,if you've been there,that's the state I was in.And till this day,the picture of the man touching me and contending me in a unpleasant manner is stuck in my mind with no way to escape.

 Juts then,Harry burst through the door,threw his bags down,and ran upstars.In about ten seconds,he was back down,aiming the gun,which he was clutching in both hands,at each of the criminals,signaling that he could shoot any second,and would shoot any second,if the men didn't decide to leave right now.

 And as if the culprits ,read Harry's mind,they briskly ran out of the house to escape.As soon as they left,Harry walked over to me,and untied the bandana and the ropes.When he completed the task of unbinding me,he looked me in the eye.His eyes showed a feeling of  affliction and rage.

 "I'm so,so sorry,babe."He finally spoke.

 "For what?"I questioned.

 "For not being here when I should have been."He replied,a tear falling from his eye.

 I placed my hand on his cheek and wiped the tear away."Harry,babe,look.It's not your fault.You didn't know this was going to happen.Don't beat down on yourself."I paused."Okay?"

He replied with a soft "Okay."

 Most people assumed Harry was a dark,gloomy,mean man from the way he looks.,but in reality,he was sweet,loving,and very down to earth.The only time Harry was "dark" or "gloomy" ,you could say was when he was with my ex- Brandon Thompson.Harry would and could not cope when he was near Brandon.I had to physically hold Harry back from hurting Brandon,because I was not the kind that liked to deal or experince a fight.

"Harry?"I snapped out of my thoughts."I love you,and don't  you ever forget that."

 Harry then stood up and gave me a long,passionate kiss.

 I would never not remember the feeling of Harry's lips against mine,and when he did kiss,you could tell that he meant it.

"I love you too,Tristan."he whispered in my ear."Now,"He pulled back."We are going to call the cops and report those felons to the police so that they can get caught."

 I nodded,and Harry and I walked over to the phone.He dialed 911 while I waited.It was about five short minutes when he hung up and said,"They said that if they do catch them,they'll send him to the county jail or a mental institution."

" What would happen to them if they got sent to the county jail?"

 "Uh,they would get the death penalty,and if they got sent to the institution,they would get punished in ways like electroshock therapy,whipping,and many other painful,painful ways.But look.Don't worry.They'll get caught sooner or later."

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