Meeting Someone

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(reminder the routes will be borutos the most but the other characters will have their own one day)

The kid ran past through us carrying a bucket of paint

Wait is that......

Boruto:"Otou-san!!??! (father)"


(borutos route)

Is that really father? He looks different i said to myself then i look at my friend "lets follow him!" i shouted and start running "hoy boruto!!! Wait!! The rules!!" shouted chocho

I continue to run then i heard the villagers chatting

"its that pest again... "
"why cant the lord hokage get rid of him?"
"that kid is badluck"

I frown and clentch my fist so hard "why are they calling him like that! Dattebasa! " i run and run and spotted father at the end of the ally together with a 1 shinobi

I landed perfectly and silently at the top of the house "boruto! " i turn around to see metal and the other and i wave at them

Well all look down to see my father being scolded

"that shinobi one looks familiar... " said mitsuki

We both look at mitsuki then down to them

"your right mitsuki he does look like someone we know...." said sarada


"naruto!!! You did it again!!" said the brown haired grown man

But the blond only scratch his head

"what are you doing here iruka-sensei" said the blond

Metal: iruka-sensei!?!

They pull metal down before iruka-sensei look up but dint notice anyone then all of them look at metal glaring then proceed looking at the two at the bottom

Iruka sigh and stare at the blond " im the one should be saying that naruto you should be at the school today but you dint come and theres even a surprise test 3 hourse ago!" iruka sensei shouted

The naruto put his hands at the back of his head "thankgoodness i dint go to school" making iruka punch his head

"itayo! (it hurts) Dattebayo!!"

"clean the hokages faces before you go home!" shouted iruka

"che.. Wakatayo (i understand or ok)"

Iruka sigh and ruffle narutos hair and said

"if you finish it till sun down i will get you ramen its on me"

This makes naruto jumps up and down with a smile on his face

"ok!! Im doing it!!! Lets go!! " baruto grab irukas hands and run towards the monument

"is... That really the 7th?" said questionly by sarada making the rest shake its head as a no

They all agree that they should go home while boruto whos keeps on remembering about the villagers comment a moment ago then he just sigh

All of his friends stay quite walking towards their new house for the time being then suddenly they heard someone spoke

"hay you"

They both turn around to notice a boy wearing a lightish brown ninja shirt together with a black short who hair reachest his midback eyes has white but with a hint of purple in it he stares at the group of future ninjas

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