Chapter 1

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 ‘I can not believe I won!’ I thought to myself, I was doing a small happy dance around my bed room as I called my friend, Lacey.  “Hello?” she answered. “Hey Lacey! I have exciting news!” I said jumping up and down. “What?” she said, suddenly intrigued. “I just won two back stage meet and greet passes to meet One Direction!” I said. And ear piercing shriek came from the other end of the phone. “Really?” she asked after calming down. “Yes!” I said, and we both started screaming. “I can’t believe I am going to meet Niall Horan in person!” Lacey said, “I am going to meet Louis Tomlinson!” I said, as I began to cry happy tears. “Can you come over?” I asked after our screaming died down. “Sure! I will be right over!” she said hanging up the phone, my mom did not care if I had people over, she was out of town and knew I had tickets to see One Direction. I decided to call her and give her the recent news, about me winning backstage tickets. “Hello?” my mom said half asleep on the other line. “Hey mom! Guess what?” I said, barely containing my excitement. “What?” she asked. “I just won back stage passes to see One Direction!” I yelled. “Bree that’s great, I assume you are taking Lacey” she said. “Duh!” I said. “I have to go, we are going back into another lecture” my mom said. “Ok, Lacey’s here anyway! Bye!” I said. “Bye! Have fun tomorrow!” she said as she hung up the phone. I ran to the door to let Lacey in, “I can’t believe we are meeting One Direction!” We said as we began to jump up and down. Getting to know us better, Lacey is17, 5 feet 6 inches, she has wavy blond hair, blue eyes and a round face. I am 18, 5 feet 4 inches, have dirty blonde hair, green eyes and a ‘carrot’ shaped face. We looked totally different, but we were very similar, we were both One Direction obsessed, happy, perky people. “What are we going to wear?” I asked. “You know what you are wearing!” she said. “I love that outfit, but no! I don’t want to meet them looking like that!” I said, the ‘outfit’ I was referring to was a pair of red pants, a blue and white striped shirt and a pair of suspenders. Lacey pouted, “I got a better idea, and a present for you!” “What?” she said, suddenly returning to normal, I led her to my bedroom. I open my closet and pulled out a Jack Wills long sleeve shirt and a pair of jean shorts. “My outfit! And here is your present!” I said, throwing a shipping box at her. She ripped it open, her eyes wide. “For me?” she said, holding up a lime green Jack Wills sweat shirt, I nodded. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she said. “Your welcome! Now let’s go get those tickets!” I said, grabbing my car keys and running for the door. I jumped in my Ford edge and starting it as Lacey hopped in. “Where are we going?” she asked. “100.7, in Tampa!” I said, turning on my CD player. I shifted my car into reverse and drove off.


 “Can I spend the night?” I asked, turning down the One Direction CD. “Yeah sure! We could watch some movies!” Bree said. “Yay!” I said. I sent a text to my mom.

Me: Bree said it was ok that I could spend the night

Mom: Ok, I will drop some cloths off for you!

Me: Bree’s keys are into the mat on the front porch

Mom: Ok Have fun!

“Bree, my mom says it is ok and she is going to drop some cloths off!” I told Bree. “Yay!” She said, turning her eyes back to the road, I turned the music back on and we began to sing, “Tell me I’m a screwed up mess and that I never listen, listen!” We sang along to the entire album, we arrived at the radio station at four o’clock. Bree got out of the car, “Coming with me?” she asked, I snapped out of a daze. “Sure!” I said, bouncing out of the car, we walked into the building. “How can I help you?” the secretary asked us. “I am Breanna David, I would the meet and greet One direction tickets this morning” Bree said. “Oh yes! They are right here!” She said handing the tickets to Bree. “Thank you!” Bree said. “Have fun!” the secretary said, Bree nodded and walked out. “Now we can go home! I want to stop and pick up some food at the store!” Bree said as we climbed out into her car. We stopped at the grocery store and pick up pretzels, popcorn and a few varieties of candy. We got back to her house and she unlocked the door, my mom left my clothes on the couch. “So I was thinking we should do a movie Marathon!” Bree said, putting the groceries away. I nodded and began going through the movies, Bree walked in with an assortment of snacks. “Food!” I said running towards the bowls on the coffee table. Bree looked at me like I was crazy, “Anyway! I was thinking about a Harry Potter marathon!” “Sounds good!” I said. We were nearing the end of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, when Bree screamed, “Noooo! Don’t do it!” “We’ve seen these mo vie hundred of times but Bree always yelled at this one part. The screen flashed back to Malfoy, who was under extreme pressure. “TOM FELTON IS SO HOT!” we yelled at the same time. “Da-yum!” Bree said, we looked at each other and began laughing. We watched the remaining movies and got up to go to sleep. I pulled out my pajamas and went into the bathroom; I pulled on some random shirt my mom packed me along with my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle boxers. I walked out of the bathroom in my ‘sexy’ outfit. “Niiiice!” Bree said, “Don’t look too bad yourself!” I said, motioning to her outfit, which consisted of grey half length Victoria’s Secret half sweats and a ‘future Mrs. Tomlinson’ shirt, her hair pulled back into a messy bun. “Thanks!” she said, smiling. “Let’s get to bed so we have energy tomorrow!” she said, “Yes, mom!” I replied. “You can sleep in the guest bedroom! I don’t want to meet the singer I worship covered in bruises!” “Am I really that dangerous?” I asked. “Yes! I had a foot shaped bruise on my back for two weeks after Taylor Swift!” she said, “Let’s get to sleep, I will wake you up when I get up!” Bree said, going into her room, which housed her 50 posters of One Direction. I just snuggled down when she walked in, a poster of Niall in hand and some tape. “So you don’t get lonely!” She said, hanging up the poster, “Thanks!” I laughed as she left the room. I closed my eyes and imagined the excitement that tomorrow will bring.

**The next day**


I woke up at 11:30 the next morning. ‘Lacey and I had to get ready and be at the venue by 7 but we were going to go get dinner, so we had to leave buy 4 an by the time that I got Lacey up it would be 12 so we would have four hours to do our hair and change, so it is going to be a time squeeze’ I thought to myself. “Lacey?” I said walking into the guest room, I saw her under the covers. “Lacey! Get up!” I said leaning near her ear. “Lacey!” I yelled into her ear. “Mmmph!” she groaned throwing a pillow at me. “You leave me no choice!” I said, grabbing her feet and pulling her out of bed. she landed with a ‘thunk’ and a “What was that for?” “It is 12, we need to shower, change and do your hair, so we can leave and eat!” I said. “It’s 12!” she said jumping up wide eyed. I nodded and threw her a towel, “You shower in the side bathroom and I will use my moms!” I said, running out of the room. I turned on the shower and stripped my clothes off; I stepped under the semi-hot water and began to lather my hair. I stepped out and dried off, I put on my clothes and went into my bedroom and looked at myself in my long mirror. I was wearing a long sleeved shirt with Jack Wills written in bold letters across the front, a pair of semi-short shorts and a pair of white Toms. I grabbed my blow dryer and my straightner, and ran into the spare bedroom where Lacey sat on the bed, dressed, waiting for me. “Ok, let’s do this!” She said, sitting down, I plugged the straightner in, and then began blow-drying her hair. “Da you have any idea what you are doing?” Lacey asked. “Yup!” I said, turning off the blow dryer. I grabbed so hair spray and sprayed her entire head, “I am not turning into Zayn!” she yelled, push the hair spray away, “Yeah but, you don’t want to look like Red-Foo!” I said laughing, “Good point!” Lacey said. I grabbed the straightner and ran it through the hair. Twenty minute later I finished, Lacey straightened my hair and then unplugged the straightner. I looked at the clock, 3:55, “Let’s grab our stuff and go!” I yelled setting the blow dryer and hair straightner on the bathroom counter. I grabbed our tickets and headed for the door, Lacey jogging at my heels. I jumped into my car and we headed off to Olive Garden. An hour and a half later we were leaving the restaurant, we had 90 minutes, it will take us an hour to get there, and then we would have 30 minutes to find our seats and get situated.


 We finally sat down at the concert, we were given special passes that hang around our necks. We were to go beside the stage right after the concert ended and that there would be us and two other girls that would be back there. We could not wait, at all. We jumped and sang through the entire concert, until Liam finally said, “Thank you for comingTampa!” and they ran off stage. “RUN!!” Bree and I screamed, battling the crowd like salmon swimming upstream. We found the two other girls and a security guard, who was going to accompany us back. We walked through the hallways, I was telling myself not to faint, thankfully, I didn’t. The four of us were told to wait in a room with a few couches and that the boys would ‘be in momentarily’. We sat in there for ten minutes; we heard some noises at the door. The door knob turned, revealing who stood behind it. 

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