Let's Get You Out Of Here..

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Olivia's P.O.V:

"Let's get you out of here." Nick whispers into my ear softly in an attempt to comfort me.

He holds the blanket close to my body as if protecting me from all the bad in the world. As I look up from where I am standing, everyone glances over at me with shock etched into their features. Nick instinctively wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into a consoling embrace.

A week later I find myself talking to a police department issued therapist to ensure I'm not going to put myself or others in danger. It's also to ensure that I'm working on tactics to cope with the experiences from last week's events.

"You're still keeping a journal of any recurring dreams, right?" He asks with sincerity evident in his eyes.

I pull a lock of lengthy brunette hair out from my well kept ponytail, allowing it to dangle just above my fatigued eyes.

"Olivia, are you with me?"

"Yeah sorry, what did you say to me before?" I ask, recognising that in fact for the past five minutes I've been in my own trance staring into a glass of water that has been placed in front of me.

"Have you still been keeping a journal of any recurring dreams you've had recently?"

"Yes I'm all up to date with the journal." I simply state matter of factly.

"Okay that's good, make sure you do regularly update that whenever you feel necessary to do so. It looks like our session is up for today. I will see you next week Olivia."

Nodding in agreement, I stand up slowly and step towards the door before heading out into the waiting area. Grey carpet shifts underneath my feet as I scan the room for the exit. Large amounts of wooden chairs with a baby blue cushioning are leant against the wall for patients attending their therapy sessions to be seated in before they are called in for their consultation. A wide flat screen Television is suspended on the longest wall in the room blaring some irritating tele - shopping advertisements which makes me want to leave this building twice as fast.

Once I navigate through the many people entering different sectors of the building, I finally find the exit. Once I step outside, I inhale the fresh air and briskly begin walking towards my workplace - the sixteenth precinct. 

These are their stories ~ Olivia BensonWhere stories live. Discover now